Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes. We're supposed to be different. And when people look at us, believe in yourself.
单词最后一个音是清辅音(声带不震动),则ed发清辅音的/t/ (s发/s/)
单词最后一个音是浊辅音(声带震动),则ed发清辅音的/d/(s发/z/)ones rebels pegs holes supposed
here's troublemakers
1. Here's to XX 敬XX
敬酒时说To XX.
To Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End. 敬风息堡城主...
I'd like to say a prayer and drink to world peace. 我想祈祷,并敬世界和平。
To jobs that pay the rent. 为交房租的工作干一杯。
2. misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes.
misfit 点击跳转
rebel 注意与名词重音位置不同
troublemaker——people who make troubles
the round pegs in the square holes 方孔中的圆钉
词链儿:a round peg in a square hole (或a square peg in a round hole)一个不适宜担任某一职务的人”或“ 一个不得其所的人”
I feel like a square peg in a round hole at my office. Everyone else there seems so ambitious ,and dedicated to the work, but I just want to make a living.
3. We're supposed to be different. 我们本该不同。
词链儿:be supposed to do XX/be XX 本应...
I'm supposed to watch my little sister tonight, so I can't go out with you guys. 我今晚要照看妹妹,不能和你们出去玩了。
You're never exactly (sure) where you're supposed to be, are you? 你永远不会清楚自己应该在哪,对吗?
It's his first car, it's supposed to be like that. 这是他的第一辆车,就应该这么破。
请用 be supposed to... 随意造句
《TED演讲:如何成为一个自信的人?》(TED Speech: How to Become a Confident Person?):多少人一碰到失败就放弃了?多少人一遇到困难就退缩了?不管机遇如何,困难多大,哪怕身处逆境,相信自己可以做到,这就是自信。如何成为一个自信的人?不断坚持、和自己对话…