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今天,我们进行“实战练习”。实战练习worth it's weight in gold。实战练习是检验我们的学习是win or fail,且加深我们对学习内容的印象。When we chat with a native American而游刃有余地运用上学到的知识。


Jane: You are not going to believe this . Debbie and Ken are getting hitched next month! He finally popped the question last night.

Nancy: You've got to be kidding. Ken is so much older than she is. He's robbing the cradle. Well, Debbie has always wanted a sugar daddy and now she's going to have one. I have to admit, they do seem crazy about each other. I mean, they'er always making out in public.

Jane: I know. I hate that. Get a room!

Nancy: Well, they have been going together for three years and have been shacked up for one year. I guess they wanted to be make it official.

Nancy: Either that or Ken knocked her up and now they want to get married before their parents find out. But you didn't hear it from me!


1. Congratulations! I heard your boyfriend popped the ( statement, interjection, question) last night.

2. Can you believe how physical Jennifer and Kenny were with each other in the restaurant? They never stopped making (in, out, up)!
3. Did you see Jody? She's pregnant! Who knocked her (up, down, out)?

4. See that man standing next to Kim? That's her (pepper, salt, sugar) daddy. That explains why she's always wearing expensive jewelry and clothing every time we see her.

5. Look at those tow kissing like that in public! ( Get a room. Rob the cradle. Pop the question.)

6. I just heard that Marge and Homer are getting ( itched, hitched, switched) next month. They want to have a family right away.

7. Did you see the guy Gail dating? He must be fifteen years younger than she is. She's really robbing the ( cradle, bagel, ladle)!

8. My mother and father have been married fifty years and they'er ( crazy, hazy, lazy) about each other!

9. Isn't that Jill and Steve holding hands over there? When did they start ( going, coming, arriving) together?

10. After dating each other for only a month, Lisa and Bill decided to shack (in , out, up). I think that's a little too early!

亲爱的听众朋友,您答题顺利吗?如果感觉有难度的话,希望大家每天都能跟随Juliet一起来学习“原味美语”,一点一滴地细致地系统第学习,您就会觉得这些Exercises如此简单。今天的学习就到此结束,see you!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
jewelry ['dʒu:əlri]


n. 珠宝,珠宝类

interjection [.intə'dʒekʃən]


n. 感叹词 n. 插入

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

rob [rɔb]


v. 抢劫,掠夺


关键字: 英语 点滴




