1. 原味表述:get turned down
解析:Be refused.
例句:I asked Sue to got to the prom with me, but I got turned down.
I don't want to let a friend who asks for help get turned down.
2. 原味表述:gold digger
解析:A woman who pays attention to a man solely because of his wealth. (想找有钱人约会或结婚的人)
例句:Scot's friends warned him that Tracy was a gold digger and was only interested in marrying him for his money.
Pam isn't interested in your personality. She's only interested in your money. She's gold digger.
3. 原味表述:small talk
解析:It refers to a polite conversation about unimportant things. (闲谈,聊天)
例句:Maria introduced me to her parents, and we sat there making small talk for a while.
Take your mother's advice. On your first date, just make small talk and don't kiss.
今天,我们学习4个可以用于恋情中需要用得到的俚语:small talk,gold digger,get truned down。Hope thatyou can keep them in yourmind andmake useofthem inyour daily life.
今天,我们补充学习Lesson one:《Tim想套磁没有成功》的拓展语汇。