1. Expression:smooth one’s hair the wrong way
Explanation:Make someone angry. (使某人恼怒)
Example:That kid practicing the drum next door every night is really smoothing my hair the wrong way. I'm just about at the end of my patience; one of these days I'm going to call the cops and complain.
It smoothed John’s hair the wrong way that he found out that someone else had been given the promotion instead of him.
I think I might start cycling to work in the morning—this traffic really smooths my hair the wrong way!
2. Expression:do one’s hair
Example:The girls have their hair done to get ready for the party.
I 'd love to change the way I do my hair .
Chin Mah, hurry up and do your mistress's hair.
3. Expression:split hairs
Explanation:To make or focus on trivial or petty details, differences. (把精力集中在非常细小的细节或区别上,缠住细枝末节问题不放,吹毛求疵)
Example:Look, Granny would be upset to hear you arguing like this. Let’s not split hairs. We'll take turns putting our names on plates, books, pictures. That's the fair way.
Look, let's tell our lawyers to stop splitting hairs on things like whose name comes first in our ads. I don't care! I'm ready to sign the contract right now if you feel the same.
I'm sorry to split hairs but your portion of the bill is $25.97, not $25.79.
I actually think it was your responsibility, not Dave's, but let's not split hairs about it.