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学英语环游世界 第437期(MP3+文本):用英语记录下今天发生的事

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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a. do the laundry 洗衣

b. get up 起床

c. eat/have dinner 吃晚餐

d. go to bed 睡觉

e. watch TV 看电视

f. go home 回家

g. eat/have breakfast 吃早餐

h. go to work 去上班

i. read a book 读书

j. listen to music 听音乐

k. take/have a shower 洗澡

l. go shopping 逛街

m. read a newspaper 读报纸

n. iron the clothes 熨衣服

o. get dressed 打扮/着装

p. eat/have lunch 吃中餐


I got my iPhone 6s! After placing an order on the internet a month ago, it was delivered to my place this morning. I am so excited! Its the latest model of the iPhone. I finally have my own smartphone! What a wonderful day it is today!(我拿到iPhone 6s了!一个月前在网路上下单后,今天早上送到家裡来。我好兴奋啊!这是最新型的iPhone。我终于有一支自己的智慧型手机了!今天真是美好!)


I had a very busy day!I got up at 7:54 am and was just in time for my live class with my students at 8 oclock. 昨天我非常的忙碌!我7:54分起床,然后刚好赶上8点和我学生的直播课。

Thankfully it could be done online. After that, I went to do some shopping for a wounded friend. I took the groceries to his house and had a chat. 好险,这个课程可以在网上教。之后,我去帮我一个受伤的朋友买些东西,我把杂货带到他的家,然后聊一下天。

Around 2:15 pm, I left his house and went to the movie theater with my good friend, Venus, and we sawFifty Shades Freed’. To my surprise, I really liked it. It was better than the last movie of this series I saw. 大约下午2:15,我离开他家和我的好朋友Venus去电影院一起看「格雷的五十度阴影:自由」,出乎我意料之外,我非常喜欢,它比这个系列的上个电影好看。

Then, I had to quickly say goodbye to her and went to the Apple store to have my phone fixed. 然后,我得和我的朋友快快说再见,去苹果店修我的手机。

Afterwards, I went to another friends house for hot pot dinner. I had a lot of food because I didnt have time to eat all day. 后来,我又去了一个朋友家吃火锅。因为一整天都没时间吃东西我一下子吃得好多菜。

I ended up having a tummy ache. I arrived at home around midnight and went to bed right away. What a day!结果我肚子疼。我大约半夜才到家,然后就直接睡觉了,真是好充实的一天啊!




