The moon does wax, the moon does wane,
And so men meet and say goodbye.
I only pray our life be long,
And our souls together heavenward fly!
men /men/ man /mæn/
2. wane/pray /eɪ/ 两个音都不能忽略
3. I only/pray our 元音连读+/j/
1. wax/wane
wax noun.
① 蜡
if you wax your legs, arms etc, you remove the hair from them using wax.
② 变大
when the moon waxes, it seems to get bigger each night.
反义词:wane 变小/力量减弱
When the moon wanes, you gradually see less of it.
词链儿:wax and wane 随着时间变大或变小
Interest in the show has waxed and waned. 增加和减少
2. pray XX be adj. 祈祷XX
① 词链儿:pray for XX
I'll pray for you. 我会为你祈祷的。
Let us pray for peace. 让我们为世界和平祈祷。
② 词链儿:pray (that).......
Paul was praying that no one had noticed his absence.
③ 词链儿:hope and pray
I do hope and pray that I will never have the need to use it.
3. heavenward adj. 朝向天空/天国的
词根:-ward 方向
towards 朝向
forwards 向前
afterwards 后来
homewards 家的方向 I'm going homeward. 我朝着家的方向走。
请用 pray 随意造句
《水调歌头·明月几时有》(The moon will have Prelude To Water Melody).是宋代大文学家苏轼公元1076年(宋神宗熙宁九年)中秋在密州(今山东省诸城市)时所作。这首词以月起兴,与其弟苏辙七年未见之情为基础,围绕中秋明月展开想象和思考,把人世间的悲欢离合之情纳入对宇宙人生的哲理性追寻之中,反映了作者复杂而又矛盾的思想感情,又表现出作者热爱生活与积极向上的乐观精神。词作上片问天反映执著人生,下片问月表现善处。