今天在社交栏目中,我们来聊聊“WU YI FAN”,Let's talk about WU YI FAN in today's program.
2021年8月3日《纽约时报》用了 “The police said over the weekend that Mr. Wu was being investigated after weeks of public accusations of sexual wrongdoing against him, though officials provided few details.” (警方周末表示,吴先生正在接受调查,此前对他性行为不端的公开指控已持续了数周,但警方没有提供更多细节。)
“饭圈文化”celebrity obsession / celebrity-obsessed culture / CWS (celebrity worship syndrome 明星崇拜综合症)
“词汇游戏”:同音异义词。the same pronunciation but different meanings.
Homophones are pairs of words that sound the same, but have distinctly different meanings and different spellings. (同音异义词是指听起来相同,但含义和拼写截然不同的单词。)
____________ couple
—————— fruit that grows on a tree
创意写作(Creative Writing)不仅可以练习词汇的用法还可以制造一些小幽默的段子。
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