If you want to succeed, you must make your own opportunities as you go.如果你想要成功,你必须一边走一边创造自己的机会。
What was the single most challenging thing that happened to you? 回顾过去的一年,最困难的一件事是什么?
I've been working as an IT engineer for about a year and a half. Then I had the opportunity after this time to actually quit my job, to follow my dreams and work with a Swiss influencer that I was admiring for a couple of years. This was going to be my dream job. I got the job. It was incredible, but it didn't last long until I lost it. The most challenging thing was to accept this loss and to figure out how to rebound. I had two choices at this moment when I lost my job. I had two choices. Either I go back to my IT job or I put all in and try the best I can to make my dream come true. You should know that. You should know that I had about half of my income working with this influencer, the half of the income that I had with my other job. So I took a financial risk and I was almost paying to work because I had more spending than I was earning. Having the courage to make such a decision to follow this person instead of having my IT job gave me the confidence that I had to hit the road and try the best I could. And it's also been almost 10 years that I've been trying to find my path, and this was, to me, what felt the best moment to do it in my life.
My dad passed away suddenly after foot surgery. I went through a really tough time after that and felt angry, regretful and depressed for a while. 我的爸爸忽然在一场脚的手术中过世。我在之后经历了一段非常难过的时刻,我感觉到生气、后悔、还有消沉了好一阵子。