加入5月22日开营的第三期迷你退休营:https://flywithlily.com/discover 或加主播微信:iflywithlily 验证消息:报名)
“In the end there doesn’t have to be anyone who understands you. There just has to be someone who wants to.” 一段时间过去后,其实你不需要有人了解你,只需要有人愿意去了解你。
(19:46 完整英语的访谈|English Interview starts at 19:46)
Hello everybody, you are listening to the Fly with Lily podcast here. And then right now beside me is Omar. Omar is visiting me in Taiwan and we just had a couple of days here. He is visiting here and enjoying food and traveling around Taiwan island. And we also talked about doing a podcast together. So we have come up with this idea of like bad first date question. How do we turn them into good first date question? Because I have a lot of students, they want to date foreigners, but they don't know how to. Usually they don't know what to ask. Or the questions I heard were pretty ridiculous. So I would like to help my audience on that. So Omar, say hi to our audience. Hello everyone, glad to be here with you and with Lily. Yay! So, let's get started. Alright.
大家好,你正在收听 Fly with Lily 播客。然后现在在我旁边的是Omar。Omar正在台湾拜访我,我们刚刚在这里待了几天。他正在这里参观,享受美食并环游台湾岛。我们还讨论了一起做一个播客。所以我们想出了糟糕的第一次约会问题的想法。我们如何将它们变成好的初次约会问题?因为我有很多学生,他们想和外国人约会,但他们不知道怎么办。通常他们不知道该问什么。或者我听到的问题非常荒谬。所以我想在这方面帮助我的听众。Omar,向我们的听众问好。大家好,很高兴和你们在一起,和莉莉在一起。耶!那么,让我们开始吧。
1. foreigners 外国人|Westerners 西方人
2. ridiculous 荒谬
3. audience 听众/观众
Okay, the first one is, usually this is pretty common, women (are) attracted to success. So they want to know, like, how much is your salary? Yeah, so at least in Western culture, that's not really an appropriate question to ask. It's just very personal, and a lot of people may find offense to that. But it still is an important thing to know. But there's a lot of other subtle ways that you can ask that where you'll still get the answer you need, but you won't really offend someone. So a way that you can ask is are, what are your career goals? Or where do you see your career in the next five years? And based on those answers, you can probably ascertain about where that person's career is headed and what kind of lifestyle they live.
***比起“How much is your salary?”更好的问题是“what are your career goals? Or where do you see your career in the next five years?”
4. are attracted to 被…吸引
5. salary 薪水
6. Western culture 西方文化
7. offense/offend/offensive 冒犯
8. subtle 微妙的
9. career goals 职涯目标
10. ascertain 弄清、确定
Okay, so can we do an example? Yes, so for example, yeah, so like if you're on a date and someone says, well, you know, I don't really have any career goals, I'm just happy working as a janitor cleaning toilets. There's no disrespect in that position, but you kind of get an idea of like where they might be at, versus if you ask the same question someone says oh, I'm the Vice President of a bank and then in the next five years I want to be the CEO of the bank You can tell they're definitely on a different career path than the previous example. So, you know like I said, the most important thing with dating someone is you know that you get along personally and you enjoy that person not so much the career, but it's also sometimes good to know.
11. janitor 清洁工
12. Vice President 副总裁
13. get along 与...相处融洽
For sure. But, when can I really know their salary? Well, I think that, at least in Western culture, that usually comes up after you get to know each other pretty well and are maybe considering moving in together or renting an apartment together or even buying a house together. Once you get to a point to where you might be making a large purchase together, then that kind of becomes relevant and important. But up to that point, it's something that you got to be very careful with. Now some people are willing to volunteer if you kind of hint around it, but usually it's best, especially when you're just getting to know someone, to ask that question in a different way, more or less pertaining to career goals rather than actual salary.
14. move in together 同居
15. relevant 有关系
16. hint 暗示
17. pertain 与...有关
加入5月22日开营的第三期迷你退休营:https://flywithlily.com/discover 或加主播微信:iflywithlily 验证消息:报名)