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Melanie: What types of books are you thinking of getting? We have a whole shelf of books that you got two years ago that you haven't finished.

你想买什么类型的书? 我们有一整架你两年前买的书,你还没有读完。

Coco: I know. But just looking at them makes me feel warm. I will donate some that no longer interest me to make space for the new ones. I recently got into sci-fi so I will get a couple of those, as well as self-help books, and vegan cookbooks.

我知道。 但是光是看着他们就让我感到温暖。 我会捐赠一些我不再感兴趣的东西,为新的腾出空间。 我最近迷上了科幻小说,所以我会买几本,还有自助书籍和素食食谱。

Melanie: Vegan cookbooks? Are you planning on becoming a vegan?

素食食谱? 你打算成为素食主义者吗?

Coco: Not really. I just want to make some vegan food myself and serve it as a surprise snack for my vegan friends when they come visit.

不是真的。 我只是想自己做一些纯素食品,当我的吃素的朋友来访时作为惊喜小吃。

Melanie: That is so sweet. I've been following an author for a year, and he released a new novel. Can you get me one?

太甜了/真好。 我关注一个作者一年了,他出了一本新小说。 你能帮我买一本吗?

Coco: Sure mom, send me the name of the book.



1.Make space 腾地方

例: Scooch over and make some space for Munchie. He clearly wants to hop on the couch and watch TV with us.

过来给 Munchie 腾出一些空间。 他显然想跳上沙发和我们一起看电视。

2.Sci-fi 科幻

例: Liu Cixin is one of the best science fiction writers ever.


3.Self-help 自我帮助,自我提升

例: Reading more self-help books will not give you answers. Start doing what the book tells you will.

阅读更多自助书籍不会给您答案。 开始按照书中告诉你的去做。

4.Veganadj./n. 素食

例: You must try this vegan cheeseburger at Ollie's! I swear, you can't even tell that it is not real meat.

你一定要在 Ollie's 尝尝这个纯素芝士汉堡! 我发誓,你甚至看不出它不是真肉。

5.snackv./ n. 零食

例: She likes to snack on yogurt. Her fridge is filled with all the brands of yogurt that you can find on the market.

她喜欢吃酸奶。 她的冰箱里装满了市场上可以找到的所有品牌的酸奶。

6.noveln. 小说

例: Don't sit around for ideas to hit you. You need to write enough and think enough to find the best novel idea.

不要坐等想法来找你。 你需要写得足够多,想得足够多,才能找到最好的新颖创意。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fiction ['fikʃən]


n. 虚构,杜撰,小说

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

shelf [ʃelf]


n. 架子,搁板

donate ['dəuneit]


vt. 捐赠,转移(电子)
vi. 捐款





