Paycheck to paycheck: 月光,paycheck就是每个月的工资
Living paycheck to paycheck doesn’t necessarily mean being wasteful. It’s a reflection of the high cost of living: 月光并不一定代表花钱大手大脚,而是反映了生活成本高
1. Save: 动词,存钱、储蓄。用于泛指减少开支、把钱存起来这一举动
I can’t live from paycheck to paycheck anymore. I need to start saving: 我不能再每个月月光了,我得开始存钱
I try to save at least 20% of my income every month: 我尽量每个月存工资的20%
It’s wise to save as you earn: 边赚边存是明智的
Savings: 名词,储蓄、存款的意思,通常以复数形式出现
2. Save up: 动词,意思也是存钱,但更多用来说明为特定的原因和目的存钱
常搭配to do do something或者for something
I’m saving up for a new car: 我在存钱,准备买辆新车
We are saving up for our wedding: 我们在存钱办婚礼
We are saving up to buy a home: 我们在存钱准备买房
Parents save up for their children's education: 父母为孩子的教育存钱
3. Set aside: 动词,字面意思是“放一边”,形容把钱放起来,不要花掉, 也常形容为特定原因存钱
Put aside
Put away (更多指为日后比较长远的计划存钱,比如退休)
这三个动词都经常搭配for something
I’m setting aside some money for a dream vacation this year: 我在为今年的梦想假期存钱
Try to put aside some money in case there are emergencies: 最好平时存点钱以备不时之需
My parents have been putting away money for their retirement for a while now: 我父母为退休养老存钱很久了
College fund: 给孩子的大学经费(Fund也常用来表达个人用途的资金,不一定是指金融产品类的基金)
Retirement fund: 养老经费
Rainy day fund: 以备不时之需 (rainy day是固定说法,用雨来形容困境)
Nest egg: 也是一个固定表达,用鸟巢来形容总得有一笔存款,就像自己的窝,来提供最基本的安全
Buffer: 缓冲
Investment: 投资
Wealth management: 财富管理,通常有一定的资金门槛。而中文“理财”包括的范围似乎更广
Manage your money: 口语表达,好好管理你的钱、理财
To invest in something: 在某个领域投资,千万别忘了介词in
Invest in financial products: 投资金融产品
Invest in real estate: 投资房产
Invest in the stock market: 投资股市
Invest in ETFs: 投资交易型开放式指数基金(exchange-traded funds)
Invest in bonds/notes: 投资债券、票据
Insurance policies: 保险产品
Capital preservation: 资产保值
Principal protected: 保本金
Risk profile 风险概况、风险预测
Conservative: 保守谨慎型
Mildly conservative: 稳健型
Moderate: 平衡型
Mildly Aggressive: 进取型
Aggressive: 激进型
ROI (return on investment): 投资收益
Exercise caution when investing: 投资有风险,投资需谨慎
Invest in yourself: 投资自己
Invest in your future: 投资自己的未来