每日一句口语 第470期:生活就像一架钢琴
Life is like a piano:white keys are happy moments and black keys are sad moments. But remember both keys are played together to give sweet music.2013-07-20 编辑:jenny 标签:
每日一句口语 第469期:只要我能撑下去就要工作
Nothing is so much fun as business. I do not expect to do anything but work as long as I can stand up. 没有任何事比经营企业还有趣。只要我能撑下去,除了工作,我不想做其他的事。(小威廉·来礼)2013-07-19 编辑:jenny 标签:
每日一句口语 第468期:世界是一本书
The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.--Saint Augustine 世界是一本书,而那些不旅行的人只读了其中一页。--圣-奥古斯丁(古罗马基督教思想家)2013-07-18 编辑:jenny 标签:
每日一句口语 第467期:明天你会变更坚强
Tough times are like physical exercise. You may not like it while you are doing it, but tomorrow you'll be stronger because of it.2013-07-17 编辑:jenny 标签:
每日一句口语 第466期:犯错、道歉、释怀
Whenever we make mistakes, we need to apologize, and then we need to move on. 只要犯了错,就应该道歉,然后释怀,继续生活。—— 绝望的主妇 it’s only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve2013-07-16 编辑:jenny 标签:
每日一句口语 第465期:过去承载着美好的记忆
For the innocent, the past may hold a reward. But for the treacherous, it’s only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve2013-07-15 编辑:jenny 标签:
每日一句口语 第464期:让工作成为乐趣
When work is a pleasure, life is joy! When work is duty, life is slavery . (Maxim Gorky) 工作是一种乐趣时,生活是一种享受!工作是一种义务时,生活则是一种苦役。2013-07-14 编辑:jenny 标签:
每日一句口语 第463期:学会在风雨中起舞
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain. 生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。2013-07-13 编辑:jenny 标签:
每日一句口语 第462期:自立是人生中最重要的技能
Self-reliance is the most important of all life skills, because without it you can’t practice any other life skills consistently. It’s honestly a virtue that brings all the rest together.2013-07-12 编辑:jenny 标签:
每日一句口语 第461期:心态积极的人会找办法
“Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can’t be done.” Bo Bennett This is the power of patience.2013-07-11 编辑:jenny 标签:
每日一句口语 第460期:耐心的力量
In the sweetest little voice Winnie-the-Pooh once said, “Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” This is the power of patience.2013-07-10 编辑:jenny 标签:
每日一句口语 第459期:不管你多渺小,依旧在地球顶端
Why did God make the world round? So that no matter how small or insignificant you think you are, wherever you stand on it you are still on top.2013-07-09 编辑:jenny 标签:
每日一句口语 第458期:人的思维极易受影响
It is easy to let thoughts spin away. To let them grow from a thought or a situation into a big and very scary monster in your mind.2013-07-08 编辑:jenny 标签:
每日一句口语 第457期:失去激情我们就渺小、虚伪、平庸
Enthusiasm is the divine particle in our composition: with it we are great, generous, and true; without it, we are little, false, and mean.2013-07-07 编辑:jenny 标签:
每日一句口语 第456期:有的痛苦是潜藏的幸福
"What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise." Oscar Wilde “人们眼里的苦痛很多时候或许只是潜藏着的幸福。”——奥斯卡·王尔德2013-07-06 编辑:jenny 标签:
第976期:生活实用对话 到底要不要结婚?!
A: Man, I'm freaking out. You go -
第977期:生活实用对话 装修房子Decor
Can you hold the end of this tape me - 3
