初级美语 Lesson 11:Requesting Help with a Map 借助地
Conversation A : I Have a Map?MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is Martin Luther King School??MAN: What??MARTIN: Where is Martin??MAN: Wait a minute. Let me turn off my engine. Now.?MARTIN: Where is Mart2006-02-08 编辑:alex 标签:
初级美语 Lesson 10:Responding to Requests 对要求作出反应
Conversation A :My Car Is Missing?MARTIN: Hello! Hello! Is this the police? Hello. What? Is this the police? Good. I'm Martin Learner. Martin, M-A-R-T-I-N. Learner, L-E-A-R-N-E-R Yes. Martin L...2006-02-08 编辑:alex 标签:
初级美语 Lesson 9:Giving Addresses 告诉地址[2]
Conversation A : An Accident?CAST: Look out! Did you see that? Stand back. What happened? Is anyone hurt? Where did he come from??POLICEMAN: All right, all right. Stand back. Move. Stand back.?ALE2006-02-08 编辑:alex 标签:
初级美语 Lesson 8:Giving Addresses 告诉地址[1]
Conversation : At the Coffee Shop?MARTIN: OK, Stefan. You live in Baltimore now. What do you do in Baltimore?STEFAN: I am a student.?MARTIN: Where??STEFAN: At Johns Hopkins University. I am studyi2006-02-08 编辑:alex 标签:
初级美语 Lesson 7:Getting Acquainted 结识他人
Conversation : At the Coffee Shop?MARTIN: Hi, Stefan. Please sit down.?STEFAN: Hello, Mr Learner.?MARTIN: Oh, please call me Martin. OK??STEFAN: Martin. OK.?WAITRESS: Morning. What're yu gonna2006-02-08 编辑:alex 标签:
初级美语 Lesson 6:Asking for Directions 问路
Conversation A: In a City?MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is the museum?FEMALE 1: The Art Museum? Go straight ahead. Then turn right at the PostOffice.MARTIN: The Post Office?FEMALE 1: Yes. That big white2006-02-08 编辑:alex 标签:
初级美语 Lesson 5:Saying Goodbye and Thank You 道别
Conversation A At a Tractor Factory?MARTIN: Good afternoon, Mrs Montgomery.?MELANIE: Hello. How are you?MARTIN: Fine, thanks. How are you?MELANIE: Fine, thanks. This is Phil Russell. H's a sup...2006-02-08 编辑:alex 标签:
初级美语 Lesson 4:Asking for Names 询问名字
Conversation A On an Outing?MELANIE: Martin! Good morning. How are you?MARTIN: Hello. I'm fine thanks. How are you?MELANIE: Fine, thanks. This is Dan Booth. Dan, this is Martin Learner.?MARTIN...2006-02-08 编辑:alex 标签:
初级美语 Lesson 3:Asking about Occupations 询问职业
Conversation A Visiting a Tractor Factory?MELANIE: Good morning, Mr Learner. We've met. I'm Melanie Montgomery.?MARTIN: Good morning, Mrs Montgomery. How are you?MELANIE: Fine, thanks. Ho...2006-02-08 编辑:alex 标签:
初级美语 Lesson 2:Introductions 介绍
Conversation A: At a ReceptionMARTIN: Hello, I'm Martin Learner.?DEBBIE: I'm Debbie Johnson.?MARTIN: Pardon?DEBBIE: I'm Debbie Johnson. This is Mr O'Brien.?MARTIN: Hello. I'...2006-02-08 编辑:alex 标签:
初级美语 Lesson 1:Greetings 问候
Lesson 1 Greetings 问候 Conversation A : At the AirportCHARLES: Mary! Mary Scott!MARY: Charles? Hello, Charles.?CHARLES: Good morning. How are you?MARY: Fine, thanks. How are you?CHARLES: Fine, than2006-02-08 编辑:alex 标签:
第976期:生活实用对话 到底要不要结婚?!
A: Man, I'm freaking out. You go -
第977期:生活实用对话 装修房子Decor
Can you hold the end of this tape me - 3

