轻松美语会话 第1辑(mp3+文本):你说,我也说
1.After you.[qh]你先请。[qh]2.I just couldn't help it.[qh]我就是忍不住。[qh]Example: Mr.Bean was such a funny guy that I laughed whole time when I watched the movie in the theater.[qh]憨豆先生是个2009-07-07 编辑:echo 标签:
轻松美语会话 第1辑(mp3+文本):你能为国家做些什么
In your hands ,my fellow citizens,more than mine,will rest the final success or failure of our course .[qh]同胞们,我们事业的最终成败,掌握在你们、而不是我的手里。[qh]Since this country was founded ,2009-07-06 编辑:echo 标签:
轻松美语会话 第1辑(mp3+文本):名人名言
It is impossible to love and to be wise.[qh]爱情和理智永不会并肩而走。[qh]Love ,and you shall be loved .All love is mathematically just,as much as the two sides of an algebraic equation.[qh]只有爱人,2009-07-05 编辑:echo 标签:
轻松美语会话 第1辑(mp3+文本):冷眼看总统竞选辩论
What did Andy Runey think of the Presidential debate last Tuesday,Not much.[qh]安迪·努尼是怎么看待上周二总统竞选辨论呢?简单地说一下。[qh]Andy: Let me begin tonight by saying as nice and sweet as I2009-07-01 编辑:echo 标签:
轻松美语会话 第1辑(mp3+文本):廊桥回音
Robert: " I was honest with you."[qh]罗伯特:我跟你可是说了实话了。[qh]Francesca: "Yes absolutely,You have ,you have this habit of not needing and that's very hard to break ,In that case why slee2009-06-29 编辑:echo 标签:
轻松美语会话 第1辑(mp3+文本):懒虫的早晨
[00:00.00]Christian and Julie are siblings.Christian is older than julie by two years.[00:02.48]克雷斯汀和茱丽是兄妹,克雷斯汀比茱丽大两岁。[00:04.97]Both are supposed to go on a field trip this morn2009-06-28 编辑:echo 标签:
轻松美语会话 第1辑(mp3+文本):来一杯浓咖啡
John: Are you ready,Ali?[qh]准备好了吗,艾丽?[qh]Ali: I'm already ,but I'm not fully awake yet.Are you sure we have to get up this early to catch fish?[qh]好了,但还没有完全清醒过来,我们非得2009-06-26 编辑:echo 标签:
轻松美语会话 第1辑(mp3+文本):教你讲一口地道的美语
One of the best ways to sound like a foreigner to an Amercian is to fully pronounce everything the way it's written(the formal,textbook pronunciations)让美国人听起来觉得你是外国人的最佳途径之一就2009-06-25 编辑:echo 标签:
轻松美语会话 第1辑(mp3+文本):好莱坞的欢乐小天使
My name is Tommy Toon and I'm a big fan of entertainment .我的名字叫托来·吐恩,我是个超级影迷,I guess it's existed as long as people have gathered together to take time out from their everday liv2009-06-21 编辑:echo 标签:
轻松美语会话 第1辑(mp3+文本):豆丁的天空
After a garage sale and then a fighting ,Eric was waiting for his little brother in the emergency room.[qh]经过一场平卖会和激斗以后,艾克力在急症室外等他的弟弟。[qh]Eric: How's the arm?[qh]艾力克2009-06-20 编辑:echo 标签:
轻松美语会话 第1辑(mp3+文本):此网非彼网
Mark and Maggie continue their walk to the Post Office.Mark decides to give Maggie some insight into the developments of the internet,intranet and e-mail in his own country and culture.[qh] 马克和玛2009-06-19 编辑:echo 标签:
轻松美语会话 第1辑(mp3+文本):不老的奥黛丽
Audrey Hepburn was an actress.A wonderful one,She was quite unique,but in one way especially she was different from most other actors.She never liked to talk about herself.However,towards the end of2009-06-18 编辑:echo 标签:
第976期:生活实用对话 到底要不要结婚?!
A: Man, I'm freaking out. You go -
第977期:生活实用对话 装修房子Decor
Can you hold the end of this tape me - 3

