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SBS朗文国际英语教程第一册 Unit10b

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page 90 Busy People
Jeff is a very athletic person.
He does a different kind of exercise or sport every day.
On Monday he jogs.On Tuesday he plays tennis.On Wednesday he does yoga.
On Thursday he swims.On Friday he goes to a health club.
On Saturday he plays basketball.And On Sunday he rides his bike.
Julie is a very busy student.She does a different activity every day.
On Monday she sings in the choir.On Tuesday she plays in the orchestra.
On Wednesday she writes for the school newspaper.
On Thursday she plays volleyball.
On Friday she baby-sits for her neighbors.
On Saturday she works at the mall.
And on Sunday she visits her grandparents.
Mr.and Mrs.Baker are very active people.
They do something different every day of the week.
On Monday they go to a museum.On Tuesday they see a play.
On Wednesday they go to a concert.
On Thursday they take a karate lesson.on Friday they go dancing.
On Saturday they see a movie.
And On Sunday they play cards with their friends.
Does Jeff paly tennis on Tuesday?
Yes,He does.
Does Julie work at the mall on Saturday?
Yes,she does.
Do Mr.and Mrs.Baker go dancing on Friday?
Yes,they do.
Does Jeff do yoga on Sunday?
No,he doesn’t.
Does Julie sing in the choir on Thursday?
No,she doesn’t.
Do Mr.and Mrs.Baker see a movie on Monday?
No,they don’t.
Do you swim on Thursday? Yes,I do.
Do you play volleyball on Sunday? No,I don’t.
Do you go dancing on Friday? Yes,we do.
Do you see a play on Monday? No,we don’t.
Every weekend is important to the Garcia family.
During the week they don’t have very much time together,
but they spend A LOT of time together on the weekend.
Mr.Garcia works at the post office during the week,
but he doesn’t work there on the weekend.
Mrs.Garica works at the bank during the week,
but she doesn’t work there on the weekend.
Jennifer and Jonathan Garcia go to the school during the week,
but they don’t go there on the weekend.
And the Garcias’dog,Max,stays home alone during the week,
but he doesn’t stay home alone on the weekend.
On Saturday and Sunday the Garcias spend time together.
On Saturday morning they clean the house together.
On Saturday afternoon they work in the garden together.
And on Sunday evening they watch videos together.
On Sunday morning they go to church together.
On Sunday afternoon they have a big dinner together.
And on Sunday evening they play their musical instruments together.
As you can see,every weekend is special to the Garcias.
It’s their only time together as a family.
page 93 Listening
What’s the word? Listen and choose the word you hear. b.does b.does
3.a.Sunday b.Monday
4.a.don’t b.doesn’t
5.a.don’t b.doesn’t
6.a.does b.goes
7.a.Tuesday b.Thursday
8.a.go b.don’t
What’s the answer? Listen and choose the correct response.
1.a.Yes,I do. b.Yes,he does.
2.a.Yes,they do. b.Yes,she does.
3.No,she doesn’t b.No,we don’t.
4.a.No,he doesn’t b.No,we don’t.
5.a.No,I don’t. b.No,he doesn’t.
6.a.No,I don’t. b.No,they don’t.
7.a.Yes,we do. b.Yes,they do.
8.a.Yes,they do. b.Yes,he does.
Alice is a very outgoing person.
She spends a lot of time with her friends.
She goes to parties.She goes to movies.
And she goes to concerts.She’s very popular.
She also likes sports very much.
She plays basketball.She plays baseball.
And she plays volleyball.She’s very athletic.
Alice doesn’t stay home alone very often.
She doesn’t read many books.She doesn’t watch TV.
And she doesn’t listen to music.She’s very active.
As you can see,Alice is a very outgoing person.
page 95 How to say it! Starting a Conversation
Tell me,what kind of movies do you like?
I like comedies.
Who’s your favorite movie star?
Tim ketty.
page 96 Pronunciation Reduced of
Listen.Then say it.
What kind of movies do you like?
What kind of books do you like?
She spends a lot of time with her friends.
Say it.Then listen.
What kind of music do you like?
What kind of TV programs do you like?
I read a lot of books.
page 97 Side by Side Gazette
There are over 20,000 languages in the world.
Some of these languages are very common.
For example.millions of people speak Chinese,
Spanish,English,Arabic,Portuguese,and Japanese.
On the other hand,some languages are very rare.
For example,only 500 people in Papua,New Guinea speak the languages Bahinemo.
Languages grow and change.They borrow words from other languages.
For example,in the English languages,the word rodeo is from Spanish,
cafe comes from French,ketchup is from chinese,sofa is from Arabic,
and potato comes from Haitian Kreyol.
New words also come from technology.
For example,cyberspace,website,
and e-mail are recent words that relate to the Internet.
page 97 Build your vocabulary! Everyday Activities
Every day I get up.
Every day I take a shower.
Every day I brush my teeth.
Every day I comb my hair.
Every day I get dressed.
Every day I go to school.
Every day I go to work.
Every day I eat.
Every day I take a bath.
Every day I go to bed.
page 98 Around the world Exercising
People around the world exercise in different ways.
Some people exercise in health clubs.
Some people exercise at the beach.
Some people go hiking.
And some people exercise together outdoors.
How do people exercise in your country?
Global Exchange
I’m a very active person.I jog and I swim.
I go to a lot of movies and concerts.
I sing in a choir.I play basketball with my friends every weekend.
I like rock music and jazz.I don’t watch TV very often.
I only watch news programs.
I read a lot of books.I like novels.My favorite author is Tom Clancy.
Hoe about you?Tell me about your activities and interest.
page 98 Listening Hello!This is the international Cafe!
重点单词   查看全部解释    
concert ['kɔnsət]


n. 音乐会,一致,和谐
vt. 制定计划,通

pronunciation [prə.nʌnsi'eiʃən]


n. 发音

orchestra ['ɔ:kistrə]


n. 管弦乐队

outgoing ['aut.gəuiŋ]


adj. 喜欢外出的,离开的,外向的 n. 外出,开支,

hoe [həu]


n. 锄头
v. 锄地,铲除

baseball ['beis.bɔ:l]


n. 棒球

response [ri'spɔns]


n. 回答,响应,反应,答复
n. [宗

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

rare [rɛə]


adj. 稀罕的,稀薄的,罕见的,珍贵的





