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创新国际英语教程Book 1 Unit 1:Where are you from?

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unit 1 Where are you from?
2 Making friends
Do you smoke?
No,thanks.I'm trying to stop.
Yes,I should too.I'm sorry,what's your name again?
Danko.And yours?
Caroline.Hi,so where are you from,Danko?Croatia.
Oh yes?Whereabouts exactly? Zagreb?
No,Split.It's on the coast.Do you know it?
I've heard of it,but I've never been there.
There was a tennis player from there,wasn't there? What's his name?
Goran lvanisevic.
Yes,that's the one.He was lovely.
Yes,well,you should come to Split.
There are lots of lovely people there.It's a beautiful city.
I'd love to go one day.So how long have you been here in Britain?
Almost six monts now.I came here in September.
Right.When are you going back to Croatia?
In May.I've got to go back then.
Why?What do you do back home?
Oh,I'm a student.I'm at university.I have to take some exams in June.
Oh right.What are you studying?
English language and culture.That's the main reason I'm here
Right,right.Well,you speak English very well.
Thanks.I hope so. No,really.
4 Pronunciation:getting the stress right
1.It's quite a BIGTOWN on the SOUTH COAST,about SIXTY MILES from LONdon.
2.It's a BIG CIty RIGHT in the CENtre of ENgland.
3.It's NICE little SEAside TOWN on the NORTH-EAST COAST.
4.It's a SMALL TOWIN JUST outside LONdon.
5.It's FAmous OLD Clty in the SOUTH-WEST of ENgland.
6.It's a SMALL TOWN RLGHT up in the NORTH of SCOTland.
7.Its an ARea in the NORTH-WEST of ENgland.
I'm from Tunisia.I came to London when I got married to Faisal.
I met him in Tunisia.
He was born in London,but his family used to go to Tunisia
every year on holiday to stay with his uncle,who lived in Tunis.
My father knew his uncle,so that's how we got to know each other.
We went out together every summer when he was there.
I really like it here most of the time,
but I miss the food in my country and the people.
Back home in Tunisia,
we visit each other's houses more than people do here in the UK.
We cook for each other and share things more.
I think we're more friendly and generous.
Anyway,two of my sisters also now live here in London,
and my children go to school here and they have lots of British friends.
It's good and of course they grow up knowing another language.
I'm from Vietnam originally.
I came over here about 25 years ago to escape the problems in my country.
Back home in Vietnam,I was a doctor.
But when I wanted to work here,they told me i had to get a British degree.
The problem was,I lost everything when I came here.
I didn't have enough money to study and I needed to support my wife and children.
To begin with,I worked in two different places-
I did cleaning jobs during the day and at night I worked in a pizza take-away.
I hated it,but after a few years,
I saved up enough money to do a nursing course
and now I work in a big local hospital.
I was born in the north of England and grew up there.
The factory I was working in closed down and so I lost my job.
I couldn't find another job-
there was a lot of unemployment in my town at the time.
So I decided to come here to look for work.
I moved doewn to London around ten years ago.
I got a job painting people's houses and l've been doing that since then.
Five years ago,I started doing a part-time degree.
I work during the day and go to classes in the evenings.
I'm going to finish in June this year.
I hope I can get a better job after I graduate.
3 While you listen
Excuse me,is this the right bus stop for Burlington?
Yes,it is,but I'm afraid you're too late.
You've missede the last bus.It went an hour ago.
Oh no!I'll have to walk.It's just down this road,isn't it?
Yes,but it's a long way to go with that heavy bag.
I'll drive you there,if you like.
My car's just round the corner.
Really? Could you?
Yes,of course.I'm going that way,anyway.
I have a bed and breakfast place just outside the village.
Really? Wow!That's great.What a great place to live.
You must love it here.It's so quiet and peaceful.
It's OK.It's not so guiet in the summer.There are a lot of tourists.
Sure,well,that's why I'm here.It's so beautiful.
I've been in London for the last two weeks,so I'm glad to be out in the country.
I mean,I liked London-there's so much to see and do
but it's a big crowded,you know.
It's nice to be away from the crowds.
Oh,I know.And dwhereabouts are you from in America?
I take it you ARE from the States?
Yes,I'm from Washington DC.
Oh,really?And what's it like there?
It's very different to here,I can tell you.
There's so much crime and violence.
It's not safe to go out at night.
We have crime here too,you know.
Oh yes.Several tourists have disappeared recently.
The police think they've been murdered.
They found one girl dead near here.
Oh,yes? Well,I'm sure I'll be all right.
I don't think it can be that dangerous.
Maybe not.Do you have anywhere to stay,by the way?
No,I'm just going to try to find a place when I get there.
Well,why don't you stay at my guest house?
Sure,why not? I guess it's not too expensive.
Not at all.We're the cheapest place around.
So do you run the place on your own?
More or less.My mother owns the place,
but she's old now and she can't do very much.
Ah,here's my car.
Shall I put my bag in the back of the car?,there's something in there already.
Just put it on the back seat.
You can move those clothes and the big knife,just put them on the floor.
They're dirty anyway.
Oh,OK.By the way,what's your name.
George.Hi,George.I'm Norman.Norman Bates.
5 Pronunciation:

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escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

generous ['dʒenərəs]


adj. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的,丰盛的,味浓的

violence ['vaiələns]


n. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

stress [stres]


n. 紧张,压力
v. 强调,着重

peaceful ['pi:sfəl]


adj. 安宁的,和平的

pronunciation [prə.nʌnsi'eiʃən]


n. 发音

unemployment ['ʌnim'plɔimənt]


n. 失业,失业人数





