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创新国际英语教程Book 2 Unit 19(b):Four crimes

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Unite 19.2 Four crimes
Person 1
Are you OK?That looked pretty nasty!
Just about.I suppose!Thanks a lot of helping me!
Listen,what do you think I could've done?
I would've helped if I'd been able to,
but there were five of them...and they had a knife!
Don't tell me about it!I know!they were holding it against my throat.
Well,at least you're OK.That's the main thing,isn't it?
I suppose so.Did they get away with much?Yeah,everything!
They took my watch,my wallet with all my credit cards and cash cards in.
about three hundred pounds' worth of cash.The lot!
So you'd better make sure you cancel the cards pretty soon.then.
Yeah.I'd better do that now.
Do you know if there's a phone near here I can use?
Yeah.there's public phone box just round the corner.
Right.I suppose I'd better report it all to the police as well.
Would you mind if I gave your name as a witness?
A witness? thing see.
I don't want to get involved, know how it is.
Oh,thanks a lot!I hope I can do the same for you one day!
Person 2
Hi,'re you?
Don't ask,I've had a terrible morning!
Oh,no?What happened?It's my car!
I came out of the house this morning and the back window had been smashed.
Oh,no.That's awful.What were they after?The car stereo?
Yeah,I guess that might've been it,because they did take that.
It would've been OK if that'd been all they got,
but they got away with my handbag too.
I'd somehow stupidly managed to leave it on the back seat.
Oh,no!Was there much in it?
No.not really,but there was a spare set of keys in there,and my home address.
God!That wasn't a very sensible place to leave them!I know!I know!
I was so worried that they'd come round and burgle my flat
that I called in a locksmith and got my locks changed this morning.
It cost me a fortune.I bet it did!
Oh, won't be making that mistake again.will you!
Person 3
Hello.Bexhill Police.How can I help you?
Hello.This is Reo Miyamoto speaking.
I want to report that I was stolen my mobile phone.
I'm sorry.You want to report something?Is that right?
Yes,I was stolen my mobile phone.
I'm not sure I understand you,sir,Did somebody take your mobile phone?
Yes,yes, I was walking by sea when two boys ran and one of boys take it.
Oh,right.I see.You had your mobile phone snatched.
It's not the first time that's happened! first time.No.I mean.
There's been quite a few other people that've had the same problem recently.sir.
Anyway,what was your name again,please,sir?
Reo Miyamoto.M-I-Y-A-M-O-T-O.
And whereabouts are you staying.Mr Miyamoto?In a hotel?
No.No.I just do a one-day travel here...from Brighton.
Oh,you're only here on a day-trip,
Right.well,If you let me know where you are now.
I'll send an officer out to talk to you straightaway.
Person 4
Mummy,why did that man do that?
Why did which man do what.darling?
That man there.The tall man.
Why did he to what,dear?
Put the thing in his pocket.
He put something in his pocket,did he?Are you sure?
It might just have been his mobile phone or his wallet or something,mightn't it?
No.I saw him.He put some things inside his coat pocket.Look.he did it again.
Oh,yes...I saw it that time.I told you!
Well.we'd better let the security guards know.hadn't we?
That was well-spotted,Daniel.Well done.
But why did he do it.Mummy?
I don't know.Maybe he doesn't want to pay for it.
Ah,there's one now.Let's go and talk to him.
Listen again.
Person 1
Are you OK?That looked pretty nasty!
Just about.I suppose!Thanks a lot of helping me!
Listen,what do you think I could've done?
I would've helped if I'd been able to,
but there were five of them...and they had a knife!
Don't tell me about it!I know!they were holding it against my throat.
Well,at least you're OK.That's the main thing,isn't it?
I suppose so.Did they get away with much?Yeah,everything!
They took my watch,my wallet with all my credit cards and cash cards in.
about three hundred pounds' worth of cash.The lot!
So you'd better make sure you cancel the cards pretty soon.then.
Yeah.I'd better do that now.Do you know if there's a phone near here I can use?
Yeah.there's public phone box just round the corner.
Right.I suppose I'd better report it all to the police as well.
Would you mind if I gave your name as a witness?A witness? thing see.
I don't want to get involved, know how it is.
Oh,thanks a lot!I hope I can do the same for you one day!
Person 2
Hi,'re you?
Don't ask,I've had a terrible morning!
Oh,no?What happened?It's my car!
I came out of the house this morning and the back window had been smashed.
Oh,no.That's awful.What were they after?The car stereo?
Yeah,I guess that might've been it,because they did take that.
It would've been OK if that'd been all they got,
but they got away with my handbag too.
I'd somehow stupidly managed to leave it on the back seat.
Oh,no!Was there much in it?
No.not really,but there was a spare set of keys in there,and my home address.
God!That wasn't a very sensible place to leave them!I know!I know!
I was so worried that they'd come round and burgle my flat
that I called in a locksmith and got my locks changed this morning.
It cost me a fortune.I bet it did!
Oh, won't be making that mistake again.will you!
Person 3
Hello.Bexhill Police.How can I help you?
Hello.This is Reo Miyamoto speaking.
I want to report that I was stolen my mobile phone.
I'm sorry.You want to report something?Is that right?
Yes,I was stolen my mobile phone.
I'm not sure I understand you,sir,Did somebody take your mobile phone?
Yes,yes, I was walking by sea when two boys ran and one of boys take it.
Oh,right.I see.
You had your mobile phone snatched.It's not the first time that's happened! first time.No.I mean.
There's been quite a few other people that've had the same problem recently.sir.
Anyway,what was your name again,please,sir?
Reo Miyamoto.M-I-Y-A-M-O-T-O.
And whereabouts are you staying.Mr Miyamoto?In a hotel?
No.No.I just do a one-day travel here...from Brighton.
Oh,you're only here on a day-trip,
Right.well,If you let me know where you are now.
I'll send an officer out to talk to you straightaway.
Person 4
Mummy,why did that man do that?
Why did which man do what.darling?
That man there.The tall man.
Why did he to what,dear?
Put the thing in his pocket.
He put something in his pocket,did he?Are you sure?
It might just have been his mobile phone or his wallet or something,mightn't it?
No.I saw him.He put some things inside his coat pocket.Look.he did it again.
Oh,yes...I saw it that time.I told you!
Well.we'd better let the security guards know.hadn't we?
That was well-spotted,Daniel.Well done.
But why did he do it.Mummy?I don't know.Maybe he doesn't want to pay for it.
Ah,there's one now.Let's go and talk to him.
4 Pronunciation:third conditionals
If I'd known,I wouldn't have asked!
If I'd known.I wouldn't have bothered.
If I'd known.I wouldn't have worn it.
If you'd told me about it.I would've come.
If you'd told me about it.I wouldn't have mentioned it.
I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!
I wouldn't have got into university if it hadn't been for her!
I would've been dead if it hadn't been for her.
I wouldn't have done it if I'd known I didn't have to.
Of course I would've done it if I'd had to.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

witness ['witnis]


n. 目击者,证人
vt. 目击,见证,出席,

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<



v. 偷窃

sensible ['sensəbl]


adj. 可察觉的,意识到的,实用的
n. 可

fortune ['fɔ:tʃən]


n. 财产,命运,运气

pronunciation [prə.nʌnsi'eiʃən]


n. 发音

spare [spɛə]


adj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

wallet ['wɔlit]


n. 皮夹,钱包





