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创新国际英语教程Book 3 Unit 3:Your interests

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Unit 3 Your interests
2 Not as often as I used to
Listen to June,a bus driver,talking about how she spends her free time.
1.How often do you work in the evenings?
Not all that often,actually,just when I have to.
Some people like the extra money,but I prefer to be at home with my kids.
2.How often do you get up early on Saturdays?
Oh,all the time!My boys play football every Saturday morning,
so I've got to be up by eight.
3.How often do you see your parents?
Well,they live in Wales,so,not as often as I'd like to.
I suppose I see mum and dad two or three times a year.
4.How often do you have your hair done?
Oh,about every fortnight.It depends really.
If I'm going out somewhere,I might have it done specially.
5.How often do you see your best friend?
Whenever I can.She lives quite near me,but she's a hurse,
so she's got to work at weekends quite a lot.
6.How often do you go away for the weekend?
Oh,only a couple of times a year.It's difficult when you've got children.
7.How often do you go to the cinema?
Oh,hardly ever.I usually wait till films come out on video
and then get them for an evening.
8.How often do you go clubbing?
Not as often as I used to.Before I got married,I used to go out every weekend.
2.Why you listen So what shall we do tonight?
So what do you feel like doing tonight?Any ideas?
Well,I'd quite like to see a film,or,I don't know,
see if there's any good bands around,if you're into bands.
Yes,that's an idea.What kind of music do you like,then?
Oh,all sorts,really,you know,a lot of pop
and I quite like blues and jazz and things like that.
Oh,really?I'm more into dance music myself,so maybe...
Well,if you's rather,we could always go and see a film.I like really scary things.
What?You mean like Halloween?
Yes,that kind of thing,and I also quite like action movies,
you know,car chases,guns,bombs,anything that's fast and exciting.
oh,right.To be honest with you,I'm not really that keen on violent films.
You're kidding!And I though this was going to be the perfect relationship!
So did I!But it doesn't sound like we've got all that much in common,really,does it?
Oh come on,there must be something we can do!
Let me think.Well,I suppose we could always go clubbing.
What's?Somewhere like Paradox?
Is that the new plac that's just opened?
Yes,just last week.Right,so how about going clubbing,then?
OK.Why not?Do you go much yourself?
No,not all that often,actually.A couple of times a year,I guess.
Oh,me too now,but I used to go a lot more when I was younger-almost every weekend.
The thing was,though,it just got to me after a while,
staying out dancng all night and then having to go to work first thing in the moring.
I'm getting a bit too old for it now.
Oh,well,that's that off the menu,then!So.what shall we do then?
I don't know.Couldn't we just get a video,and a curry,
and have a nice quiet evening in in front of the telly?
Oh,you've got to be joking!We're not in our graves yet.
I mean,that's the kind of thing my parents are probably doing right now!
Look,it's not what I'd normally do on a Monday night,
but let's give clubing a go!It might be a laugh.
Not really keen
1.I love nearly all winter sports.
Really?I'm not really very keen on them,myself.
I once broke my leg skiing and it put me off-for life!
2.Going out with a crowd of friends and having fun,that's what I really like doing.
Do you?It's not really my kind of thing,I'v afraid.
I prefer to go out with just one or maybe two people.I hate crowds.
3.I'm really interstd in politics.
Oh,it's not really my kind of thing,I'm afraid.
I don't really understand what makes all the parties different.
They all seem the same to me!
4.I'm really into older music,you know,before 1967.
Are you?I'm not really that keen on anything before 1980.
5.My favourite kind of things are comics and cartoons.
I don't really like things like that mayself.I don't see the point of them.
I prefer a good novel-the longer the better!
6.I'm really into roller-balding.It's bit like roller-skating.
Are you?It's not really my kind of thing.I'm always worried I might get hurt.
Reading 2 While you read
Are you a bag person?
Come on,admit it!You can't resist classy carrier bags.
You have some cheap and nasty bags from the local supermarket which you put your rubbish in.
But somewhere at home you've got a collection of bags
that you wouldn't part with for the world.
An Armani bag?A Gucci one?
Or maybe it's that one from the Duty-Free Shop at Kuala Lumpur Airport?
They prove that you're the sort of person you'd like to be.
Recently,a London gallery held an exhibition to celebrate the carrier bag.
They asked thirty top artists and designers to design a carrier bag
for thirty shops which took part in the exhibition.
The show was a tremendous success
because it seems we are all secret carrier bag collentors.
Some people go into expensive designer shops and buy the cheapest thing
-just to get one of their bags.
Others don't even bother buying anything.
They just ask sgraight out for a free bag for their collection.
It seems that it's not the bag we want.It's what it represents.
That's why we throw away our boring Tesco and Marks and Spencer bags,
but make sure our Harrods or Louis Vuitton ones remain in perfect condition.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
gallery ['gæləri]


n. 美术馆,画廊,顶层楼座,狭长的房间

boring ['bɔ:riŋ]


adj. 令人厌烦的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

designer [di'zainə]


n. 设计者

collection [kə'lekʃən]


n. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐

keen [ki:n]


adj. 锋利的,敏锐的,强烈的,精明的,热衷的 <

exhibition [.eksi'biʃən]


n. 展示,展览

bother ['bɔðə]


v. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心
n. 烦扰,

resist [ri'zist]


v. 抵抗,反抗,抵制,忍住
n. 防蚀涂层

paradox ['pærədɔks]


n. 悖论,矛盾(者)





