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5.Around the word

A Listen to the telveision show. Write the correct times for each city.

1. Pam:[music] Hello, and welcome to"Around the Word." I'm your host,Pam Dayburn.Today we're calling people around the world. We're asking them, "What time is it and what are your doing?" First,we're calling Natalie in Moscow.[phone rings] Hello, Natalie.

Natalie: Hello,Pam.

Pam:What time is it in Moscow, Natalie?

Natalie:it's 4 p.m.

Pam:Four o'clock ,huh?And what are you doing?

Natalie:I'm at the office. I'm working.

2.Pam:Next,we're calling Ross in Sydney,Australia.[phone rings] Hello,Ross!


Pam:Ross, what time is it in Sydney?

Ross:It's five after eleven.

Pam:11:05 p.m.?


Pam:And what are you doing?

Ross:I'm watching television.

3.Pam:Now, we're talking to Maria in Los Angeles.[phone rings] Hi,Maria .

Maria :Hi,Pam.

Pam:What time is it in Los Angeles?

Maria :Um, it's 5:10 A.M.

Pam:Ten after five in the morning! Wow, you're up early.What are you doing?

Maria :I'm studying for test.

Pam:Oh! Well,gooe luck on the test!

4.Pam:Last, we're calling Lucy in Paris.[phone rings]Hi,Lucy!


Pam:What time is it in Paris,Lucy?

Lucy:It's 2:15 p.m.

Pam:A quarter after two, huh? And what are you doing?

Lucy:I'm making lunch. I'm really hungry!

Pam:I see. Well, have a good lunch!

B Listen again. What are the people doing? Complete the chart.




