1【Four dead after Germany hostage incident】德国人质劫持事件已造成4人死亡
TEXT:Four people, probably including a gunman, were killed during a hostage-taking incident at a house in southern Germany on Wednesday, according to local police. Earlier, police said the gunman had taken up to four people hostage following an attempted eviction of an apartment in the southern town of Karlsruhe. FRITZ BACHHOLZ, KARLSRUHE POLICE SPOKESMAN, SAYING: "Baden-Wuerttemberg special forces entered the apartment after smelling smoke and found several dead bodies. The investigation as to what exactly happened is ongoing." The gunman purportedly had several hunting weapons as well. No further details were immediately available. Travis Brecher, Reuters
参考译文:根据当地警方调查,周三发生在德国南部一间房子里的人质劫持事件已造成四人死亡,其中可能包括一名持枪者 。早些时候,警察表示持枪者已经劫持了四名人质,企图从Karlsruhe南部城镇的一所公寓逃离 。Karlsruhe警察局发言人Fritz Bachholz称:“在闻到烟气后,Baden-Wuerttemberg特警闯进这间公寓,但发现已经有四人死亡 。具体情况正在调查中 。”据报道称,持枪者带有几件狩猎武器 。目前没有更进一步的详细情况 。
2【Super Junior releases new music】Super Junior 新专辑发布
TEXT:Look out world, here comes Super Junior. The 12-member Korean boy band is promoting their sixth album and say they are ready to conquer Asia and beyond. The new album titled "Sexy, Free & Single" is already topping local music charts. Group leader Lee Teuk. SOUNDBITE: Lee Teuk, Super Junior, saying (Korean): "We're back with the sixth album after a year, since the fifth album 'Mr. Simple.' First of all, we're very tensed, but excited. Also we're very grateful that our members can perform together again." Teuk is sure fans will like the new music. SOUNDBITE: Lee Teuk, Super Junior, saying (Korean): "This time, we're finally openly saying 'we're sexy,' which our fans like the most. We're very much looking forward to showing more of our sexiness to the fans." The boy band is managed by SM Entertainment, which has spawned several K-pop boy and girl bands across Asia and some parts of Europe. Their new album hit stores on July 1. Alicia Powell, Reuters.
参考译文:走向世界,来到这里的是Super Junior 。这个由12名韩国男子组合的乐队正在推广自己的第六张专辑,并且表示他们已经做好了征服亚洲实现超越的准备 。新专辑“Sexy,Free & Single”已经是当地音乐排行榜的榜首 。乐队队长Lee Teuk说:“自从一年前第五张专辑“Mr.Simple”后,我们携带第六张专辑归来 。首先,我们非常紧张,但非常兴奋 。同样我们非常开心,因为我们成员又可以在一起表演了 。”Teuk肯定,他们的粉丝会喜欢这张新专辑的 。Lee Teuk说:“这一次,我们最终公开的说'我们是性感的',这是我们粉丝最喜欢的 。我们很期待向粉丝们展现我们更性感的一面 。”这个男子组合由SM Entertainment管理,在亚洲和部分欧洲地区,SM已经打造了几个韩国流行的男子组合和女子组合 。他们的新专辑在7月1日开始销售 。
3【Particle discovery could force rethink of modern physics】
TEXT:Scientists at Europe's CERN research centre believe they have found one of the basic building blocks of the universe -- a subatomic particle called the Higgs boson. The Director General of CERN told an audience of scientists that the discovery is a milestone in mankind's understanding of nature and has opened up exciting prospects for further revelations in the field. Peter Higgs, the British physicist who proposed the existence of the boson which bears his name in the 1960s, was at CERN to welcome the news. The Higgs theory explains how particles clumped together to form stars, planets and life itself. Without the Higgs particle, the particles that make up the universe would have remained a formless soup, the theory goes. What scientists do not yet know from the latest findings is whether the particle they have discovered is in fact the Higgs boson. (SOUNDBITE) (English) BRITISH SCIENTIST, EMERITUS PROFESSOR OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS AT IMPERIAL COLLEGE, TOM KIBBLE, SAYING: "They have certainly discovered a particle which looks similar to the expected Higgs particle, but there is a lot of work to be done to be sure that it has all the right properties,'' It could also be a variant of the Higgs idea or an entirely new subatomic particle that could force a rethink on the fundamental structure of matter. Sarah Sheffer, Reuters
参考译文:欧洲粒子物理研究所的科学家相信,他们已经找到了一种宇宙中的基本构成——一种被称为“希格斯玻色子”的亚原子粒子 。研究所主任告诉了一位科学家听众,这个发现对于人类了解自然是里程碑式的,并且为进一步探索这一领域打开了欣喜的前景 。Peter Higgs,英国物理学家提出了玻色子存在理论并在20世纪60年代以他的名字命名,他很高兴听到这样的新闻 。希格斯粒子理论解释了粒子是如何形成恒星,行星以及生命本身 。倘若没有希格斯粒子,这些组成宇宙的粒子将是一片混沌,理论上是这样的 。根据最近的发现,科学家仍未明白的是他们发现的粒子是否真的是希格斯玻色子 。英国科学家,理论物理学家,帝国大学退学教授Tom Kibble说:“他们确实已经发现了一种类似于期待的希格斯粒子,但现在仍有很多的工作要做来确保它具有所有的正确特性,”这也可能是希格斯理想模型中的变种,或者是一种完全新的亚原子粒子,这可以迫使我们从新思考物资的基本结构 。
4【US troops celebrate Independence Day】美国军队庆祝独立日
TEXT:U.S. troops on foreign territory celebrate their country's independence day. These soldiers in Afghanistan marked the 4th of July with an army band and a huge cake made in the colours of the American flag. The U.S. commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan said his country was a symbol of freedom. U.S. COMMANDER OF NATO FORCES IN AFGHANISTAN, GENERAL JOHN ALLEN: "We are here today to celebrate the triumph of an idea that freedom will prevail in the face of adversity. We celebrate the birth of a nation, a democracy that has served as the symbol of freedom and an inspiration for those seeking to overcome oppression." U.S. troops living in Australia marked the occasion with a barbecue serving burgers and hotdogs, as well as a game of soft ball. The soldiers are stations in the Northern Territory as part of a recent agreement with the Australian government to position 2,500 marines at a base in Darwin. Independence Day commemorates the signing of the U.S declaration of Independence in 1775 which proclaimed the 13 American colonies free and independent states. Simon Hanna, Reuters.
参考译文:美国在外领地军队庆祝国家独立日 。这些驻阿富汗士兵通过军事乐队演奏以及一块由美国国旗颜色做成的巨大蛋糕来庆祝7月4日这一天 。北约驻阿富汗美国指挥官表示他的国家是自由的象征 。指挥官将军John Allen说:“今天我们在这里庆祝一种理念的胜利,自由将战胜困境 。我们庆祝国家的成立,一个作为自由象征的民主国家,给那些寻求战胜压迫的人以激励 。”美国驻澳大利亚军队通过一个考汉堡和热狗的烧烤活动来庆祝这个节日,包括一个软球游戏 。这些军队派驻在北部地区,这是最近与澳大利亚政府达成一项协议的一部分,即在Darwin地区安排2,500名海军 。独立日是庆祝1775年美国签署的独立宣言,宣言宣告了13个美国殖民地的自由与独立 。
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