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小学英语陕旅版三年级下Lesson7 Do you like English?

来源:可可英语 编辑:Nicole   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Lesson7 Do you like English?
Listen,look and repeat(1)
English. English. Chinese. Chinese. English. Chinese.
Listen,look and repeat(2).
maths. maths music.
Listen,look and say(1).
What book is this? It's an English book.
Wow!An English book!Do you like English?
Yes,and I like Chinese too.
What book is this? It's an English book.
Wow!An English book!Do you like English?
Yes,and I like Chinese too.
Listen,look and say(11).
Do you like maths? Yes,I do.
How do you like it? Very much.How about you? Me,too.
Do you like maths? Yes,I do.
How do you like it? Very much.How about you? Me,too.
Let's sing.
I like dinosaurs.
I like dinosaurs.Yes,I do.I wish that I could see them in the zoo.
I like dinosaurs.Yes,I do.I wish that I could see them in the zoo.
I like dinosaurs.Yes,I do.I wish that I could see them in the zoo.
I like dinosaurs.Yes,I do.I wish that I could see them in the zoo.
I like dinosaurs.Yes,I do.I wish that I could see them in the zoo.
I like dinosaurs.Yes,I do.I wish that I could see them in the zoo.




