Unit 19 The Boxer
第19单元 拳击手
By the age of 27, Nicole had taken various martial arts classes in her life but was never very good at any of them. She would study a style for a year or so, then become frustrated with her lack of progress. She always saw others as being better than her.
When she turned 27, she began boxing and fell in love with it. She practiced only once a week at first, and like other sports, she had been involved in was feeling her progress was too slow.
One day, another girl came to the class to try it out. She saw Nicole fight and asked the teacher if he could teach her how to fight like Nicole.
Nicole heard this and suddenly realized that she was getting better but because she was comparing herself to the much bigger and stronger guys, she felt weak and not capable. Nicole began to train at home and started to see amazing results.
It took time but she found something she was good at. Now, Nicole teaches girls and women alike how to box.
【美】 Meredith Walker 著 陈怡芬 译上海交通大学出版社出版