2. 多种表达
I can't speak Chinese.
No Chinese.
Can you repeat?
Excuse me?
I beg your pardon?
Slow down, please.
Please say it more slowly.
Does anyone speak Chinese?
Is there a Chinese speaker here?
He can't make himself understood.
He can't get his point across.
He can't get through to others.
How can I say it in English?
How can I express it in English?
What can I call it in English?
I lost my wallet.
My wallet was stolen.
What will he do?
What's to be done?
Were you rubbed just now?
Were you held up just now?
How can we call you if we find it?
How can we contact you when we find it?
Please give us a report on the theft.
Please fill out a report on the theft.
I lost my package.
My package is missing.
I can't find my package.
I've misplaced my package.
What would he do?
What does he need to do?
Help me!
Call the police!
Please call for help!
What's the English for it?
How do you say it in English?