Push ups are a great way to improve upper body strength and are a low cost exercise that can be done anywhere. Here are our top tips to make sure you are doing them correctly.
Step 1: Find somewhere comfortable
You must make sure you are in a comfortable environment to carry out your exercise. If you are in a gym make sure you are not obstructing other people. Make sure the floor is flat and level.
Step 2: Start position
Lie on your stomach with your hands, palms flat underneath your shoulders. Fully extend you fingers. Put your feet together with your toes bent underneath. Keep your legs straight.
Step 3: Action
Straighten your arms and push your body up. Remember to keep your back and legs straight. When you reach the top pause for a second and then lower yourself back towards the floor until your chest is 2 inches from the floor and your elbows are at 90 degrees.
Step 4: Amount
Never exceed your comfort zone. If you are starting out try doing a set of 10 push ups and as you begin to get more confident increase the amount of repetitions by 5 each time. Remember to the a few minutes between each set if you want to do more than one set.
Step 5: Tips
To make sure you are keeping your back straight you can imagine that you are attached to a plank of wood and this needs to stay attached to your back. Exhale as you push upwards. If you want to work your triceps more you can move you hands closer together. To concentrate more on your chest muscles try moving your hands further apart.
Thanks for watching video How To Do Push Ups.