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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Does Crystal worry about money?
a) Yes, she does.
b) No, she does not.

2) How often does Crystal work?
a) Just a few hours.
b) Lots of working hours.

3) What happened to George and his job?
a) He got fired.
b) He gets less and less hours of work.

Topic:do you worry about money?
George: Hello! I'm George from Hawaii.

Crystal: And I'm Crystal from America.

George: And today's question is do you worry about money? So, Crystal? Do you worry about money?

Crystal: No, I do not worry about money.

George: What?!

Crystal: What, Why?

George: How is that possible?

Crystal: Well, I have a good job at the moment, they pay me well. And I have a lot of working hours.

George: Oh, make sense.

Crystal: I work like a dog but I get paid well. So, these days I don't really thought about money these days. How about you?

George: Lucky. I have nightmares about money, you know. I have horrible hours these days, you know. I get less and less hours of work and...everything is so expensive.

Crystal: But then well, what they said the more money you have the less happiness you feel.

George: Was that by puff daddy? No...let's start it over.

b b b




