At bus stop,the peole are waiting for a bus.
They are standing in line.In England they call this line a queue.
You must never"jump the queue".
If you jump the queue,other people will not be pleased!
standing in line
jump the queue
standing in line
jump the queue
a queue jumper
This is a doctor's waiting room in a hospital.
The people are waiting for the doctor to come.
This is a doctor's waiting room in a hospital.
The people are waiting for the doctor to come.
It was a cold spring morning in the city of Manchester in England.
The weather was very cold,and many people were sick.
So there were many patients in the doctor's waiting room.
At the head of the queue wa an old woman.
She was a visitor.She didn't live in Manchester.
She lived in the country.She was in the city to visit her daughter.
She wanted to see the doctor because her knees hurt badly.
The weather was very cold,and many people were sick.
So there were many patients in the doctor's waiting room.
At the head of the queue wa an old woman.
She lived in the country.
She wanted to see the doctor because her knees hurt badly.
"If I get there early,I can see the doctor quickly,"she thought.
So she was first in the queue.She sat nearest to the doctor's door.
So she was first in the queue.She sat nearest to the doctor's door.
A man came inot the waiting room,
and walked quietly to the doctor's door.
The old woman thought he was a queue jumper.
She stood up and took his arm.Slowly,she said,
"Please stand in line.We were all here before you.
You must wait for your turn,"
A man came inot the waiting room,
and walked quietly to the doctor's door.
The old woman thought he was a queue jumper.
She stood up and took his arm.Slowly,she said,
"Please stand in line.We were all here before you.
You must wait for your turn,"
The man answered:"No,madam.You don't understand!
You're all after me!I'm the doctor!"
The man answered:"No,madam.You don't understand!
You're all after me!I'm the doctor!"
Everyone laughed at the woman's mistake
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