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编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


I am reading. You are writing. He is eating.
She is dringking tea.
He is running now. They are running.
listen listening
speak speaking
read reading
look looking
watch watching
think eat
drink jump
walk thinking
eating drinking
jumping walking
sing stand
talk open
do singing
standing talking
opening doing
work working
play playing
go going
wear wearing
fly flying
write writing
come coming
close closing
make making
take taking
run running
put putting
sit sitting
stop stopping
swim swimming
What is the bird doing? It is singing.
What is the boy doing? He is playing football

What are they doing? They are playing.
What is the man doing? He is speaking.
What is the man doing? He is thinking.
Is he writing? No,he isn't writing. He's speaking.
Is he speaking,too? No,he isn't.He's thinking.
Are they working? No,they aren't.
What are they doing? They're dancing.
She isn't eating. She's drinking.
What are they doing? They are running.
Is he working? Yes,he is.
What's he doing? He is writing at the desk.
Are they playing basketball?
No,they are playing football.
What are they doing?
They are reading.The big girl is reading on the ground.
What are you doing?
Are you listening to me?
Are you looking at me?
What are you doing?
Are you listening to me?
Are you looking at me?
It is raining this week.
look at...
They're looking at the picture.
look after....
I'm looking after her baby.
listen to...
She isn't listening to me.
watch TV
I'm watching TV.
do one's homework
She's doing her homework.
fly a kite/plane
Is she flying a kite over there?
put on....
The child is putting on a sweater.
put away...
He's putting his books away.
The child is wearing a sweater.
Excuse me,Mr Green.I can't find the twins.
Oh,we must find them.
What are they wearing?
Well,Lucy is wearing blue trousers and a blouse.
No sweater?
No,she isn't.She's wearing a white blouse.
What about Lily?Is she wearing the same clothes?
No.She's wearing green trousers,and a yellow sweater.
Right!Let's go and find them

重点单词   查看全部解释    
lily ['lili]


adj. 纯白的 n. 百合花

trousers ['trauzəz]


n. 裤子

blouse [blauz]


n. 女衬衫





