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TEXT:But still the people come.200 abandoned ships in San Francisco harbor , the crews deserting, rushing for the hills. He's traveled 6,000 miles. He's spent all his money. Now he travels by foot.Belgian Jean-Nicolas Perlot writes: We crossed 200 miles of wilderness full of Indians, bears, panthers, wildcats, snakes of every k ind. The first thing he finds isn't gold. It's graves. 200 of them. Prospectors cut off by rains in the foothills, starved to death. Approaching, we realized animals of some kind had dug up the bodies. I read a note attached to one of the graves. "God has willed that civilization should begin in this place, With this duty which a man owes to his kind. Bury the dead." Perlot does find gold, but never in the quantities that he'd dreamed. As the gold fields are picked clean, tensions rise, times get tougher. After just five years, the Gold Rush is over. I think that there is that Western mentality of prospecting --try and fail, try and fail, and the fact that you tried is worthy in and of itself. Of 300,000 who rush to find gold, less than one out of 100 struc k it rich. But fortunes were made by the merchants and landowners who supplied the miners. From dirt and dreams came the great cities of California. Both the West and the American character that built it are settled. Now this new powerhouse will face another revolution.《美国简史》系本纪录片历史背景

TEXT:But still the people come.200 abandoned ships in San Francisco harbor , the crews deserting, rushing for the hills. He's traveled 6,000 miles. He's spent all his money. Now he travels by foot.Belgian Jean-Nicolas Perlot writes: We crossed 200 miles of wilderness full of Indians, bears, panthers, wildcats, snakes of every k ind. The first thing he finds isn't gold. It's graves. 200 of them. Prospectors cut off by rains in the foothills, starved to death. Approaching, we realized animals of some kind had dug up the bodies. I read a note attached to one of the graves. "God has willed that civilization should begin in this place, With this duty which a man owes to his kind. Bury the dead." Perlot does find gold, but never in the quantities that he'd dreamed. As the gold fields are picked clean, tensions rise, times get tougher. After just five years, the Gold Rush is over. I think that there is that Western mentality of prospecting --try and fail, try and fail, and the fact that you tried is worthy in and of itself. Of 300,000 who rush to find gold, less than one out of 100 struc k it rich. But fortunes were made by the merchants and landowners who supplied the miners. From dirt and dreams came the great cities of California. Both the West and the American character that built it are settled. Now this new powerhouse will face another revolution.








重点单词   查看全部解释    
revolution [.revə'lu:ʃən]


n. 革命,旋转,转数

harbor ['hɑ:bə]


n. 海港,避难所
vt. 庇护,心怀,窝藏<

wilderness ['wildənis]


n. 荒野,荒地

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle





