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北师大版初中英语七年级下Unit 11 lesson 44-2

来源:可可英语 编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


1.5 Where did you go on your vacations?
I went to England.
Wow!When did you go?
I went six months ago.
Who did you go with?
I went with my sister.
What places did you visit?
We visited the Big Ben.
Wow!What was that like?
It was really amazing!
2.1 What did you do yesterday,Grandpa?
Oh,I had a wonderful day.
I got up very early
and went for a walk along the beach
before breakfast.
Then after a delicious breakfast,
I went shopping at a crowd market
with some friends.
I bought you a present.
Wow! Thanks,Grandpa.
We had lunch near the market
and then we spent the afternoon
sunbathing and reading.
Last night we went to a dance at the hotel.
What about the day before yesterday?
Oh,that was wonderful,too.
We went on a tour of a local factory.
We learned how to make wine and we tasted some.
It was lovely.
Then at night,I went to bed early
as I was tired.




