Exercise 6
Dr.Edna's Pesonal Problems Page...
Dear Edna,
I get lots of headaches.
I think it's my age
but I also like to listen to heavy metal music.
My dad also shouts at me a lot.
Should I take some medicine?
Or should I stop listening to my music?
Or should I talk to my dad?
Yours, Bill
Dear Edna,
I always have a sore throat.
My friends say it's because I talk all the time
But I don't know.
I eat lots of fast food and I also smoke.
What should I do?
Eat more fruit?
Stop smoking?
Stop talking?
Yours, Nicole
Dear Edna,
My sister and I think we are very ugly.
We are thinking of having operation
to reduce the size of our noses.
What do you think?
Should we have the operation?
Should we talk to someone first?
Or should we just forget it
like other ugly people?
Yours, Joanna
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