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经济学人:灰色的幽影 关于抵抗的故事

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Books and Arts; Book Review;Stories of resistance;Shades of grey;


Beautiful Souls: Saying No, Breaking Ranks, and Heeding the Voice of Conscience in Dark Times. By Eyal Press.


You have a decent job and work hard. You keep your nose clean, respect authority and have never joined a protest march. Suddenly you have the bad luck to face a cruel and seemingly impossible choice. Your superiors tell you to do something outrageous or unacceptable. Do you obey or, at grave personal cost, refuse? In “Beautiful Souls”, a subtle and thoughtful book, Eyal Press, an American journalist, tells the stories of four very ordinary people who, in widely different times, places and circumstances, surprised themselves by saying “no”.

你有份体面的工作并且做得很努力。你保持洁身自爱(不八卦),尊重权威,从不加入抗议性游行中。突然你不幸的要面对残忍几乎表面来看不可能的选择:你的上级令你去做你粗暴不可接受的事。服从命令还是牺牲重大的个人代价去拒绝?在精细巧妙充满思想的”美丽灵魂”一书中,美国记者Eyal Press为您讲述一个关于四位来自不同时空不同地点不同环境的普通人在说出“不”之后得到的意想不到的结果。

This morally courageous foursome includes a Swiss police official who broke the law in 1938 by giving entry permits to Jewish refugees; a Serb who, at risk to his own life, saved captured Croats from summary execution during the Serb-Croat war in 1991; an Israeli special-forces soldier in the occupied territories who could no longer stomach orders to protect Israeli settlers who were doing wrong, as he saw it, to Palestinian farmers; and a mid-ranking whistle-blower in a Texas investment company accused of fraud.


At first glance, this looks like a jumble of risks and motives. The policeman had to be brave over months. The Serb had to decide in an instant. The Israeli soldier's disquiet nagged for years before he quit. The whistle-blower was fired, whereas the Serb faced being shot. That lack of a pattern, though, is part of Mr Press's point. We recognise moral bravery when we see it. Explaining it is extremely hard.

乍一看,这书是危险与动机的混杂体。警察不得不在数月里保持勇敢。塞尔维亚人不得不即刻做决定。以色列士兵在退役前数年的焦虑让他烦恼不已。揭发者被炒了,另一方面塞尔维亚人面临枪决。这些例子乍一看没有什么共性,但这也是Mr Press所要强调的地方。当我们看到它时会认可道德上的勇气。而要解释清楚却极端困难。

On stage and in the pulpit, moral dilemmas of this kind tend to have a black-and-white clarity. Working from life, Mr Press brings out the greys. All of the choices he looked at were hard, and only the Serb's involved a clear-cut decision in the moment. The good achieved by each of these “beautiful souls” was small: the few lives the Serb and the Swiss policeman saved were a pittance when set against greater evils they could not stop. The soldier has not stopped Israel's settlement-building, and the whistle-blower did not dent the financial system. So why did they do it?

在舞台上也好,在讲道坛上也好,这类的道德上的是与非往往很明确, 就是非黑即白。而在实际生活中,Mr Press提出还有“灰色”这种情况。他所观察到的所有抉择都极其困难,只有塞尔维亚人在那刻卷入的抉择时则是心里明镜似的。这些美丽灵魂的所作所为只是造成很小范围内的而影响:少数人让塞尔维亚人存活了下来,瑞士警察所解救的也只是沧海一粟,对其他更强大的恶势力更是无能为力。士兵没能阻止以色列的殖民建设,揭发者也没能削弱金融系统。所以为什么主人公们还要这么做呢?

Without claiming to have firm answers, Mr Press sees three factors at work. One is that these people listened to their emotions. Faced with the unacceptable, their instincts rebelled. Direct confrontation was also important. The challenge to their moral sensibility was face-to-face. This was not true of the whistle-blower, but her conduct suggests to Mr Press a third element. She was not a rebel out to flout authority or change the rules. On the contrary, she acted to protect rules that her superiors flouted.

虽然Mr Press申明这些问题没有确切的回答,但他看到有这样的三个因素在起作用。一个原因就是主人公们都听从了他们的心做出选择。面对不能接受的事物,他们本能的反叛排斥。直接的抗争也很重要。这对他们道德感情的挑战是直接面对面的。这不适合揭发者,但是揭发者的行为也给Press先生带去了第三个重要的要素。她不是个试图藐视权威或改变规则的叛逆者。相反,她维护了那些她的上级没有遵守的规则。

In leading us through such thickets, Mr Press points to studies in psychology and to philosophical work on moral dilemmas. A drier sort of book might have probed more whether our moral emotions are always reliable and how sure naysayers must be before outright disobedience is their best course. On the other hand “Beautiful Souls” gains much from its storytelling approach. It is rich in personal, circumstantial details that analytical thinkers in search of clear principles may overlook. These are modern instances of ancient puzzles, and Mr Press is wise not to pretend to be offering new wisdom.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
refuse [ri'fju:z]


v. 拒绝
n. 垃圾,废物

glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过

unacceptable ['ʌnək'septəbl]


adj. 不能接受的,不受欢迎的

clarity ['klæriti]


n. 清楚,透明

thoughtful ['θɔ:tful]


adj. 深思的,体贴的

approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

subtle ['sʌtl]


adj. 微妙的,敏感的,精细的,狡诈的,不明显的

disquiet [dis'kwaiət]


vt. 使不安,使担心 n. 担心,焦虑

execution [.eksi'kju:ʃən]


n. 执行,实施,处决
n. 技巧,表演

resistance [ri'zistəns]


n. 抵抗力,反抗,反抗行动;阻力,电阻;反对





