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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
The whole assembly became silent. Then, after nearly a minute, the Bear began in a slow, puzzled voice:全场默默无言。接着,大约一分钟以后,熊用一种慢吞吞的惶惑的声音开始说话。
"I don't quite understand all this," it grumbled, "I thought you said -""这一切我不十分明白,"它咕咕哝哝地说道,"我想你是说——"
"You thought!" repeated the Ape. "As if anyone could call what goes on in your head thinking. Listen, you others. Anyone can see Tashlan. But he's not coming out. You have to go in and see him.""你想!"无尾猿故意重复对方的词儿,"倒像是谁都可以把你头脑里正在进行的活动称之为'想'哩。听着,你们其他的人。任何人都能去见塔什兰。但塔什兰自己可不出来。你们得进去见他。"
"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you," said dozens of voices. "That's what we wanted! We can go in and see him face to face. And now he'll be kind and it will all be as it used to be." And the Birds chattered, and the Dogs barked excitedly. Then suddenly, there was a great stirring and a noise of creatures rising to their feet, and in a second the whole lot of them would have been rushing forward and trying to crowd into the stable door all together. But the Ape shouted:"啊,谢谢你,谢谢你,谢谢你。"十几个声音说道,"我们能进去,面对面地见到他。那就是我们所要求的!现在他会是仁慈的,并且将像往常一样,处处仁慈。鸟儿啁啾,狗儿兴奋地吠叫。然后,突然之间,出现了一阵大骚动、一阵喧哗,野兽们都站起来了,转瞬之间整群野兽都往前冲去,大家都竭力要一齐挤进马厩中去。但无尾猿大声喊道:
"Get back! Quiet! Not so fast.""回去!安静!且慢!"
The Beasts stopped, many of them with one paw in the with tails wagging, and all of them with heads on one side.野兽们停步了,好多野兽一只爪子悬在空中,好多摇晃着尾巴,它们的脑袋都侧向一边。
"I thought you said," began the Bear, but Shift interrupted."我想你是说——"熊开始说话,可诡谲把它的话打断了。
"Anyone can go in," he said. "But, one at a time. Who'll go first? He didn't say he was feeling very kind. He's been licking his lips a lot since he swallowed up the wicked King the other night. He's been growling a good deal this morning. I wouldn't much like to go into that stable myself tonight. But just as you please. Who'd like to go in first? Don't blame me if he swallows you whole or blasts you into a cinder with the mere terror of his eyes. That's your affair. Now then! Who's first? What about one of you Dwarfs?""哪一个都能进去,"无尾猿说道,"可是,一次只进去一个。谁先进去,他可并不说他是十分仁慈的。自从他在大前天把那邪恶的国王吞下肚子以来,他一直在不断地舔他的嘴唇。今天早晨他曾经大嚎大叫了一阵子。今儿个夜间我自己也不大想进到马厩里去。但,随你们的便。谁愿意第一个进去,如果他把你整个儿吞了下去,或者只是用它的火眼金睛把你烧成灰烬,可别怪我。那是你自己的事情。哦,进来吧!谁第一个进来?你们小矮人先进来一个吧?"
"Dilly, dilly, come and be killed!" sneered Griffle. "How do we know what you've got in there?""呀,呀,进来被你杀死!"格里夫尔嘲笑道,"我们怎么知道你在那马厩里摆下了什么东西呢?"
"Ho-ho!" cried the Ape. "So you're beginning to think there's something there, eh? Well, all you Beasts were making noise enough a minute ago. What's struck you all dumb? Who's going in first?""哈——哈!"无尾猿喊道,"那么你们在开始想到里边有点儿东西了,是不是?哦,一分钟以前你们野兽都吵闹得够响的了。是什么把你们都打成了哑巴?谁第一个进去呀?"
But the Beasts all stood looking at one another and began backing away from the stable. Very few tails were wagging now. The Ape waddled to and fro jeering at them. "Ho-ho-ho!" he chuckled. "I thought you were all so eager to see Tashlan face to face! Changed your mind, eh?" 但野兽们都站在那儿你看我我看你的,而且开始从马厩后退。现在没有几条尾巴在摇晃了。无尾猿一边大摇大摆地走来走去,一边嘲笑野兽们。"哈―哈―哈!"它抿着嘴笑道,"我想你们大家都急于要面对面地见到塔什兰!如今改变主意了,嗯?"

The whole assembly became silent. Then, after nearly a minute, the Bear began in a slow, puzzled voice:

"I don't quite understand all this," it grumbled, "I thought you said -"

"You thought!" repeated the Ape. "As if anyone could call what goes on in your head thinking. Listen, you others. Anyone can see Tashlan. But he's not coming out. You have to go in and see him."

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you," said dozens of voices. "That's what we wanted! We can go in and see him face to face. And now he'll be kind and it will all be as it used to be." And the Birds chattered, and the Dogs barked excitedly. Then suddenly, there was a great stirring and a noise of creatures rising to their feet, and in a second the whole lot of them would have been rushing forward and trying to crowd into the stable door all together. But the Ape shouted:

"Get back! Quiet! Not so fast."

The Beasts stopped, many of them with one paw in the with tails wagging, and all of them with heads on one side.

"I thought you said," began the Bear, but Shift interrupted.

"Anyone can go in," he said. "But, one at a time. Who'll go first? He didn't say he was feeling very kind. He's been licking his lips a lot since he swallowed up the wicked King the other night. He's been growling a good deal this morning. I wouldn't much like to go into that stable myself tonight. But just as you please. Who'd like to go in first? Don't blame me if he swallows you whole or blasts you into a cinder with the mere terror of his eyes. That's your affair. Now then! Who's first? What about one of you Dwarfs?"

"Dilly, dilly, come and be killed!" sneered Griffle. "How do we know what you've got in there?"

"Ho-ho!" cried the Ape. "So you're beginning to think there's something there, eh? Well, all you Beasts were making noise enough a minute ago. What's struck you all dumb? Who's going in first?"

But the Beasts all stood looking at one another and began backing away from the stable. Very few tails were wagging now. The Ape waddled to and fro jeering at them. "Ho-ho-ho!" he chuckled. "I thought you were all so eager to see Tashlan face to face! Changed your mind, eh?"












重点单词   查看全部解释    
wicked ['wikid]


adj. 坏的,邪恶的,缺德的
adv. 极端



adj. 困惑的;搞糊涂的;茫然的

blame [bleim]


n. 过失,责备
vt. 把 ... 归咎于,

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

cinder ['sində]


n. 煤渣,灰烬

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

terror ['terə]


n. 恐怖,惊骇,令人惧怕或讨厌的人或事物

fro [frəu]


adv. 向那边,向后,离开,回来

interrupted [intə'rʌptid]


adj. 中断的;被打断的;不规则的 vt. 打断;中断

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,





