Books and Arts; My family and other animals
Various Pets Alive and Dead. By Marina Lewycka.
Not many authors could successfully mix lentils, bra-burning and free love with city traders, quantitative analysts and the mathematical calculations that supposedly make naked short selling, CDOs and subprime mortgages infallible. But Marina Lewycka is an exception. The bestselling author of a 2005 hit, “A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian”, has set her fourth book in London and Doncaster and uses farce, irony and biting wit to explore serious issues.

“Various Pets Alive and Dead” features a group of sharply drawn and sharp-tongued characters. Marcus and Doro, elderly ex-hippies from Solidarity Hall, a left-wing commune, still wear their slogan T-shirts and crave the “non-bourgeois non-private non-nuclear non-monogamous community” of their past. To make the present bearable, Marcus is writing a never-ending history of the left-wing movement, while Doro looks after the Down's syndrome child they are raising. She fulfils her longing for militant action by campaigning to save local allotments.
Their daughter Clara (named after Clara Zetkin, a German proto-feminist), and son Serge (Victor Serge, a Belgian-Russian revolutionary) are somewhat different. Clara, a Doncaster schoolteacher, battles to educate children who smell of cigarette smoke, chip fat and urine, while craving order, clean bathrooms and a man—preferably Mr Gorst, the headmaster, whose hunky presence makes her giddy with girlish desire.
Her brother Serge, whose parents think he is studying for a Cambridge PhD in maths (a worthy validation of their ideals), has ditched academic life to become a City fat cat at Financial and Trading Consolidated Alliance (FATCA), in London. When he is not fixated by the figures on his computer screen he fantasises about the figure of Maroushka Malko, a haughty eastern European quant in slinky skirts and slingback shoes “you could stab kittens with”.
谢尔盖呢,父母引以为豪,以为他在剑桥攻读数学博士学位,实际上他已放弃学术生涯,就业于伦敦金融与贸易统一联盟,成了金融城一名富佬。不用盯着电脑显示器看数据的时候,他就会幻想着Maroushka Malko的身体,Malko是一个骄傲的数据分析师,来自东欧,穿着紧身裙子、露跟女鞋,那鞋跟绝对可以把小猫给砸死。
This quartet takes the story from present to past and back again in a series of sparklingly humorous vignettes. The clever bit is that while whooshing the reader along on a tide of wit, the author also neatly explores the morals and values of different generations and the impact that these have on family dynamics. Never has reading about something serious been quite so much fun.