Guys, guys, come on. Don't get your fur in a bunch.
同志们 算了 别把皮毛弄褶了
You wolves are making us look bad.
Come on, the caribou are laughing at us.
Now, that's a moon I don't want to howl to.
那要是月亮 我可连嗥叫都想省了
Western hunt group, get back to the den.
西部狼群 回你们地盘去
The two of you, go home. Now!
你们两个 回家去 走啊
Omegas, good job.
欧米加们 干的好
Great. My first hunt, and I blew it.
这可好 我的首猎竟被我搞砸了
Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate.
凯特 凯特 凯特
Don't beat yourself up. That's crazy. You were amazing.
别责备自己了 你刚才帅呆了
I mean, if anyone's hungry,
我是说 如果饿了
they can eat...
They can always eat...
What? Here.
吃什么呢 给
They can eat berries.
Berries are really nutritious.
Yeah. Tell that to a hungry pack.
是吗 留着那话跟饥饿的狼群说去吧