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全新版大学英语听说教程第1册 Unit9 Goning on Vacation

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Dialogue 1:
Agent: York Hotel. Can I help you?
Woman: Yes. I'd like to book a room for three nights.
Agent: When will you be arriving?
Woman: We'll arrive the day after tomorrow. That's October 20th.
Agent: Yes, madam. Single or double?
Woman: One double room.
Agent: All right. One double room until 23rd.
Woman: How much will that be?
Agent: $130 a night, including breakfast.
Woman: That'll be fine.
Agent: May I have your name, please?
Woman: Faber, F-a-b-e-r, Faber, Mrs. Faber.
Agent: Thank you, Mrs. Faber. Goodbye.

Woman: Bye.

Dialogue 2:

Woman: Hello, Qiangshen Taxi Company.
Man: Hello. I'd like to book a taxi to Pudong Airport for tomorrow morning.
Woman: When exactly?
Man: I have to be there by 9:30.
Woman: I see. Your address, please?
Man: Room 804, Park Hotel.
Woman: So we'll have to pick you up at about 8:00.
Man: Yes, that would be fine.
Woman: Could you tell me your name, please?
Man: Green, Mr. Green.
Woman: OK, Mr. Green.
Man: Thank you very much.

Woman: You're welcome.

Dialogue 1:

M: You have just arrived, haven't you?
W: No. We arrived three days ago. That's March 6th.
M: How long will you be staying here?
W: We are leaving on 21st.
Q: When will the woman leave?
Dialogue 2:
M: Have you been here long, Judy?
W: Just 6 days. We arrived on 2nd of May.
M: And how long will you be here?
W: Until 23rd.
Q: When did the woman arrive?
Dialogue 3:
W: Are you planning to stay here long,
Mr. Ford?
M: Until 28th.
W: I see. And when did you get here?
M: We got here on the 3rd of this month.
Q: How long will the man be staying?
Dialogue 4:
M: Today is 5th of June.
W: So what?
M: In another 4 days Jane will have a birthday party.
W: Oh, yes. It's her 20th birthday, isn't it?
M: I think so.

Q: When is Jane's birthday?

A Visit to Bangkok
A: Hi, Ellen. How was your vacation?
B: Great! I went to Bangkok.
A: Really? Why did you decide to go there?
B: Well, I have a cousin who lives there. She's been trying to get me to take a vacation down there for a long time, and so, finally, she talked me into it.
A: I've seen some pictures of Bangkok -- the architecture there is really interesting, isn't it?
B: Yes, it's incredible, especially the Grand Palace. The Buddhist temples, too, are very impressive. And I love the spicy Thai food and tropical fruits there.
A: How was the weather when you were there?
B: That's about the only thing I didn't enjoy. It was really hot and sticky. In fact, April is its hottest month. The best time to go is during the cool season, which lasts from November to February.
A: Did you go to some other places beside Bangkok?
B: Sure. I went to Pattaya. It's a famous resort, only two hours' drive from Bangkok. There's plenty to enjoy: fine sand, blue sky, clear water, colorful night life...
A: Well, it sure sounds like you had a great time.
B: Oh, I sure did. And I plan to go back there next year. I'd like to visit Phuket, the biggest island of Thailand. It's world-famous as a seaside resort.
1. Why did Ellen decide to go to Bangkok?
2. What do you know about Thai food from Ellen?
3. In which month do you think Ellen went to Bangkok?
4. Which of the following did Ellen not like?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

resort [ri'zɔ:t]


n. (度假)胜地,手段,凭借
vi. 诉诸,

tropical ['trɔpikəl]


adj. 热带的,炎热的,热带植物的

sticky ['stiki]


adj. 粘的,闷热的,困难的,令人不满意的

impressive [im'presiv]


adj. 给人深刻印象的

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,





