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初中英语山东版七年级上 Unit4:你经常锻炼吗

编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


How often do you exercise?
1b Listen and write the letters from the picture above on the lines below.
2a Listen. Cheng is talking about how often he does different activities. Number the activities you hear[-5].
Twice a week.
How often do you watch TV?
2b Listen again. How often does Cheng do the activities above?Match his activities with the mumber of times he does them.
3 Road the magazine article. Use the information in the boxes below to help you.
What Do Students Do at Green High School?
Here are the results of the student nactivity survey at green high school.
____ students exercise three or four times a week.
some students exercise once or twice a week.
______ students are very active, and exercise every day.
As for homework,_____ students do homework every day.
______ students do homework three or four times a week.
_______ students do homework once or twice a week.
The results for "watch TV" are interesting.
________ students watch TV once or twice a week, some students watch TV ______ ______ _____ ______ a week, but most students watch TV_____ ______.
2a Listen. Then circle your answer to each question.
2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the surver.
3a Read part of Lily's letter to a pen pal and answer the questions.
... but I'm pretty healthy. I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school.
My eating habits are pretty good.
I try to eat a lot of vegetables.
I eat fruit and drink milk every day.
I never drink coffee. of course, I love junk food too, but I try to eat it only once a week.
Oh, and I sleep nine hours every night. So you see, I look after my health .
And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.
Good and exercise help me to study better.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
survey [sə:'vei]


v. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视

lily ['lili]


adj. 纯白的 n. 百合花

junk [dʒʌŋk]


n. 垃圾,废旧杂物,中国平底帆船
vt. 丢

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围





