Books and Arts;Indian film;Death in Delhi;
Indian film-makers are tackling difficult subjects with a light touch
Jessica Lall, a model, was shot dead at a posh party in Delhi in 1999. Working as a bartender, she had refused to serve an obnoxious reveller at the end of the evening. Feeling snubbed, he pulled out a pistol, pointed it at her temple and pulled the trigger. Several partygoers saw the murder and dozens more watched as the killer fled. Once he was arrested, getting a conviction should have been easy, even in India's bent and overwhelmed courts. However, the accused, a son of a powerful politician of nearby Haryana state, was let off.

An energetic new film, “No One Killed Jessica”, relates this true story. It follows Ms Lall's stubborn younger sister, Sabrina, as she tried to get justice done. Alone, she didn't have a chance. Acolytes of the accused's powerful family bribed and threatened witnesses. The police were paid off and evidence lost. The film's most compelling scene—and one most damning of India's semi-rotten legal institutions—shows witnesses in turn retracting their original testimony, saying that they could no longer remember the events, and letting a guilty man go free.
So far, so discouraging. But where Sabrina failed, India's fourth estate won out. The film's title is from a sarcastic newspaper headline at the time of the trial, commenting on the witnesses' suspicious amnesia. After the acquittal, journalists got those who had been on the stand to admit, in effect, to their perjury. They also helped to organise a candlelight protest at India Gate, the heart of New Delhi, where local citizens, Dilli-wallahs, demanded “justice for Jessica” and reform of India's legal system. Shamed by the attention, the courts at last in 2006 convicted Manu Sharma, the accused, and sentenced him to life in prison.
情节发展至此,令人心灰意冷。不过在萨布丽娜失败之处,印度的第四等级(新闻界)却赢得了胜利。本片片名源于审判时一份讽刺报纸的大标题,以此评论证人们可疑的失忆。在无罪宣判之后,记者令那些曾在法庭上作证之人在事实上承认了自己作伪证一事,他们也帮助人们在新德里的核心地带——印度门组织了一场烛光抗议活动,当地公民(即德里人,Dilli-wallahs)要求“为杰西卡伸张正义”,并改革印度的法律体系。众目睽睽之下感到羞耻的法庭,最终在2006年判决被告摩奴·沙玛(Manu Sharma)有罪,并判处其终身监禁。
This is not a heartwarming tale. It took seven years and the combined heft of reporters, broadcasters, street protesters and the victims' relatives to get what should have been a simple conviction. Nor is India's legal system fixed. Witnesses remain exposed, corruption is rife, the powerless routinely trodden on. Jessica was exceptional—sexy, young, Christian, educated, from a middle-class family—an investigative reporter's (or a film director's) dream victim. Delhi's newspapers are filled daily with stories of violent attacks on other, anonymous, women, many of whom struggle to see any sort of justice done. Beyond India's cities, women are more vulnerable still.
Yet “No One Killed Jessica”, released in India earlier this month and due to be shown in Europe, America and elsewhere, avoids hectoring. In its best moments it evokes an electric Delhi—an edgy city bursting with ambitious people and new money—helped along by a thumping soundtrack. The young director, Raj Kumar Gupta, studies the dark side of booming, urbanising, India and, although he veers towards caricatures at times, he has a mostly light touch. Indian film-makers are making a habit of that: last year's “Peepli Live”, an unlikely but successful satire on the grim theme of farmers' suicides, is India's submission for next month's Academy Awards.