1.Why are youdressed like that,Eddie?
2.I'm a detective.I'm doing some very important work.
3.Wow! Who are you looking for?A murderer?
4.No, this is muchmore serious.My food hasgone missing.
Reading A Murder in Valley Town
Last night,there was a murderin Valley Town.The Class 1,
Grade 9 studentsare readingabout it inthe newspaper.
Here is the article.
22-year-old computerprogrammer murdered
Last night,the body of a22-year-oldman
was found inthe doorway of aclothes shopin Valley Town.
Police have computerprogrammer.
He was last seenleaving his officein New Town atabout 7 p.m.
He saidhe was going tovisit his parents.
Police believe thatmurder took placebetween nine o'clock yesterday evening
and one o'clockthis morning.
They are not surewhether the victimwas kill edsomewhere else
and then broughtto Valley Town,
or killed at the place where hewas found.
'We are askinganyone who sawanything unusuallast night
to contact us,'said Detective Lu,Valley Town'stop detective.
'We are particularlyinterested inhearing fromanyone
who sawanything unusualnear Upper Street.'
Detective Lu saidthat the victimwas attacked witha knife
and bled todeath as a result.
There was alsoevidence ofa struggle.
'The victimobviously put upa good fight,'
said Detective Lu.'It is possiblethat was morethan one attacker.
This is the saddeath ofa bright,young man.
We will workhard to findthe murderer.'
Detective Lu addedthat the policeare now checkingthe scene
for fingerprintsand other clues.
The police arealso interestedin knowing
if the victim hadany enemies.
He had manygood friends andan interesting,well-paid jop.
However,Detective Lu said
that the victimwas guilty ofcomputer crimesin the past.
'He was charged withbreaking into severalcomputer systemsover the last year ,'
said Detective Lu.
'We're not surewhether this hasmade him someenemies.'
So far,the only suspectis a short,
thin man who wasseen running downUpper Streetat 10 last night.
A witness reportedthat he wasbreathing heavily
and had bloodon his shirt.However,
the suspect hadevidence to provethat he was atanother place
at the time ofthe crime and insisted thathe was not guilty.
The victim's parentshave offered areward of ¥50,000
for any informationthat leads to thearrest of themurderer.
Anyone withinformation shouldcontact thepolice on 5550 1212.
Integrated skills A The kidnapping
Listen to DetectiveLu's interviewswith the twosuspects.
Then help hisassistant completetheir profilesin Part A1.
BSpeak up:Who is thekidnapper?
You and a classmateare talking aboutthe two suspects.Work in pairs.
Use Detective Luand Policeman Fu'sconversationas a model.
Replace theunderlined wordswith yourown ideas.
Detective Lu:Well,what did you thinkof our firstsuspect,
Wang Gang?
Policeman Fu:He seemed anice man.
I don't thinkhe's guilty.
Detective Lu:But he was atthe house on28 th December.
Policeman Fu:Can he prove thathe was at anotherplace
at the timeof the crime?
Detective Lu:Yes, he was athis sister'swedding.
Lots of peoplesaw him there.
Policeman Fu:Does he have acriminal record?
Detective Lu:No, he doesn't.
Policeman Fu:OK, I think it'shighly possible
that Wang Gangis not guilty.
PronunciationStress in word
AYou teacher wantsto teach your class
how to pronouncethese pairs ofwords correctly.
Listen carefully.Then practicesaying the words.
Pay attention tothe differentstresses.
1 in creaseIt's good to seean in crease insales.
In creaseThe sales havein creased over thepast few years.
2 re cordDetective Lu keepsa re cord of everysuspect.
re corddetective Lure corded what thewitnesses said.
BListen carefullyto the noun formof there words.
Then read thewords out loud.
Put the stress onthe first syllableso that pronouncethe words as nouns.
1 ex port2 im port3 in crease4 ob ject
5 sus pect6 pro ject
CListen carefully tothe verb form ofthese words.
Then read the wordsout loud.
This time,put the stress onthe secondsyllable
so thatyou pronouncethe words as verbs.
1 ex port2 im port3 in crease4 ob ject
5 sus pect6 pro ject
DList to how thesewords arepronounced.
Make sure youtake notes ofwhere thestress is.
Write a V if theword is pronouncedas a verb.
Write an N if itis pronouncedas a noun.
1 import ____2 project ____3 export ____4 increase ____
5 record ____6 suspect ____
adj. 侦探的
n. 侦探