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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
The Dragons and Giant Lizards now had Narnia to themselves. They went to and fro tearing up the trees by the roots and crunching them up as if they were sticks of rhubarb. Minute by minute the forests disappeared. The whole country became bare and you could see all sorts of things about its shape - all the little humps and hollows which you had never noticed before. The grass died. Soon Tirian found that he was looking at a world of bare rock and earth. You could hardly believe that anything had ever lived there. The monsters themselves grew old and lay down and died. Their flesh shrivelled up and the bones appeared: soon they were only huge skeletons that lay here and there on the dead rock, looking as if they had died thousands of years ago. For a long time everything was still.龙和巨型蜥蜴现在把纳尼亚当做它们的天下了。它们跑来跑去,把树木连根拔起,把树木嘎吱嘎吱地大嚼大吃,仿佛它们是大葱似的。顷刻之间,树林都消失了。整个儿乡村变得光秃秃的,你可以看得见各种各样的东西的形状——看得见一切你以前从未注意过的小丘和小洞。青草死了。蒂莲不久便发觉他正在瞧着一个光秃秃的石头和泥土的世界了。简直很难相信曾经有什么东西在这地方生存过的。怪物们自己也老了,躺下了,死了。他们的肉皱缩枯槁了,骨头露出来了,不久他们就只剩下巨大的骷髅,东一个西一个地躺在没有生命的石头上,看上去仿佛已经死了好几千年了。好久好久,万籁俱寂。
At last something white - a long, level line of whiteness that gleamed in the light of the standing stars - came moving towards them from the Eastern end of the world.最后,某种白色的东西——在那站着的流星人的照耀下,一道漫长而平整的白色——正从世界的东头向他们移动过来。
A widespread noise broke the silence: first a murmur then a rumble, then a roar. And now they could see what it was that was coming, and how fast it came. It was a foaming wall of water. The sea was rising. In that tree-less world you could see it very well. You could see all the rivers getting wider and the lakes getting larger, and separate lakes joining into one, and valleys turning into new lakes, and hills turning into islands, and then those islands vanishing. And the high moors to their left and the higher mountains to their right crumbled and slipped down with a roar and a splash into the mounting water; and the water came swirling up to the very threshold of the Doorway (but never passed it) so that the foam splashed about Aslan's forefeet. All now was level water from where they stood to where the waters met the sky.一个向四面八方传开来的声音打破了沉寂:起初是汩汩声,然后是哗哗声,最后是澎湃声。现在他们看得出正在涌过来的是什么,速度又有多快。这是一道冒着泡沫的水墙。大海正在涨潮。在这没有树木的世界上,你可以看得十分清楚。你看得见河流在变阔,湖泊在变大,分开的湖在合并成大湖,流域在演变成为新的湖泊,小山在变成岛屿,然后这些岛屿也消失了。他们左边的高沼地和右边的崇山峻岭,都崩溃了,轰然塌方了,劈劈啪啪地落到上涨的大水里去了。大水打着漩涌到了那个门口(但从未涌过门去),所以泡沫在阿斯兰的前腿附近飞溅着。从他们立足之处直到水天相接之处,现在到处都是同一水平面的一片大水了。
And out there it began to grow light. A streak of dreary and disastrous dawn spread along the horizon, and widened and grew brighter, till in the end they hardly noticed the light of the stars who stood behind them. At last the sun came up. When it did, the Lord Digory and the Lady Polly looked at one another and gave a little nod: those two, in a different world, had once seen a dying sun, and so they knew at once that this sun also was dying. It was three times - twenty times - as big as it ought to be, and very dark red. As its rays fell upon the great Time-giant, he turned red too: and in the reflection of that sun the whole waste of shoreless waters looked like blood.外界开始出现亮光了。一道阴沉而不祥的曙光绵亘在地平线上,逐渐扩大,逐渐明亮,终于使他们几乎不再注意站在他们背后的繁星的光亮了。最后,太阳升起来了。太阳升起之时,迪格雷勋爵和波莉夫人互相看了一眼,稍稍点了点头:这两位老人,在一个异样的世界里,曾经一度看见过一个垂死的太阳,所以他们立刻知道这个太阳也是处于垂死状态的。太阳比它正常的模样大三倍,甚至二十倍,呈暗红色。太阳的光芒落在魁伟的时间巨人身上时,巨人也变得红红的了。在这阳光的反照里,整个儿无边无际的荒荒凉凉的大水看上去像鲜血般殷红。
Then the Moon came up, quite in her wrong position, very close to the sun, and she also looked red. And at the sight of her the sun began shooting out great flames, like whiskers or snakes of crimson fire, towards her. It is as if he were an octopus trying to draw her to himself in his tentacles. And perhaps he did draw her. At any rate she came to him, slowly at first, but then more and more quickly, till at last his long flames licked round her and the two ran together and became one huge ball like a burning coal. Great lumps of fire came dropping out of it into the sea and clouds of steam rose up.然后月亮升起来了,它的方位完全搞错了,非常靠近太阳,它看上去也是红红的。太阳看到了月亮,它就开始向月亮放射出巨大的火焰,像是殷红的火髯或火蛇。太阳好像是条章鱼,试图把月亮拉到它的触手中间去。也许太阳确实在拉月亮哩。无论如何,月亮在向太阳靠拢,开头是慢慢地,但随即愈来愈快了,最后,太阳长长的火焰舔着月亮的周围,两者跑到一起,并成一个大球,像一堆熊熊燃烧的煤。大块的火从大球里掉下来,落在海里,蒸汽的云雾从海上升起。
Then Aslan said, "Now make an end."于是阿斯兰说道:“现在结束吧。”
The giant threw his horn into the sea. Then he stretched out one arm - very black it looked, and thousands of miles long - across the sky till his hand reached the Sun. He took the Sun and squeezed it in his hand as you would squeeze an orange. And instantly there was total darkness.时间巨人把它的号角扔进大海里。然后他伸出一条胳膊——几英里长,看上去颜色很黑——穿越天空,直至他的手碰到了太阳。他拿着太阳,在手中压榨太阳,就像你压榨橘子一样。天地问立刻全部漆黑了。
Everyone except Aslan jumped back from the ice-cold air which now blew through the Doorway. Its edges were already covered with icicles.每个人都认为阿斯兰会从吹着冷风的门口跳回来,那门上已经结满冰柱了。
"Peter, High King of Narnia," said Aslan. "Shut the Door."“彼得,纳尼亚的至尊王,”阿斯兰说道,“关上门吧。”

The Dragons and Giant Lizards now had Narnia to themselves. They went to and fro tearing up the trees by the roots and crunching them up as if they were sticks of rhubarb. Minute by minute the forests disappeared. The whole country became bare and you could see all sorts of things about its shape - all the little humps and hollows which you had never noticed before. The grass died. Soon Tirian found that he was looking at a world of bare rock and earth. You could hardly believe that anything had ever lived there. The monsters themselves grew old and lay down and died. Their flesh shrivelled up and the bones appeared: soon they were only huge skeletons that lay here and there on the dead rock, looking as if they had died thousands of years ago. For a long time everything was still.

At last something white - a long, level line of whiteness that gleamed in the light of the standing stars - came moving towards them from the Eastern end of the world.

A widespread noise broke the silence: first a murmur then a rumble, then a roar. And now they could see what it was that was coming, and how fast it came. It was a foaming wall of water. The sea was rising. In that tree-less world you could see it very well. You could see all the rivers getting wider and the lakes getting larger, and separate lakes joining into one, and valleys turning into new lakes, and hills turning into islands, and then those islands vanishing. And the high moors to their left and the higher mountains to their right crumbled and slipped down with a roar and a splash into the mounting water; and the water came swirling up to the very threshold of the Doorway (but never passed it) so that the foam splashed about Aslan's forefeet. All now was level water from where they stood to where the waters met the sky.

And out there it began to grow light. A streak of dreary and disastrous dawn spread along the horizon, and widened and grew brighter, till in the end they hardly noticed the light of the stars who stood behind them. At last the sun came up. When it did, the Lord Digory and the Lady Polly looked at one another and gave a little nod: those two, in a different world, had once seen a dying sun, and so they knew at once that this sun also was dying. It was three times - twenty times - as big as it ought to be, and very dark red. As its rays fell upon the great Time-giant, he turned red too: and in the reflection of that sun the whole waste of shoreless waters looked like blood.

Then the Moon came up, quite in her wrong position, very close to the sun, and she also looked red. And at the sight of her the sun began shooting out great flames, like whiskers or snakes of crimson fire, towards her. It is as if he were an octopus trying to draw her to himself in his tentacles. And perhaps he did draw her. At any rate she came to him, slowly at first, but then more and more quickly, till at last his long flames licked round her and the two ran together and became one huge ball like a burning coal. Great lumps of fire came dropping out of it into the sea and clouds of steam rose up.

Then Aslan said, "Now make an end."

The giant threw his horn into the sea. Then he stretched out one arm - very black it looked, and thousands of miles long - across the sky till his hand reached the Sun. He took the Sun and squeezed it in his hand as you would squeeze an orange. And instantly there was total darkness.

Everyone except Aslan jumped back from the ice-cold air which now blew through the Doorway. Its edges were already covered with icicles.

"Peter, High King of Narnia," said Aslan. "Shut the Door."










重点单词   查看全部解释    
dreary ['driəri]


adj. 沉闷的,令人沮丧的,情绪低落的



n. 漩涡;涡流 adj. 打旋的 v. 打旋;眩晕;使

squeeze [skwi:z]


v. 压榨,挤压,塞进
n. 压榨,勒索,榨取

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

reflection [ri'flekʃən]


n. 反映,映像,折射,沉思,影响

fro [frəu]


adv. 向那边,向后,离开,回来

murmur ['mə:mə]


n. 低语,低声的抱怨,[医]心区杂音

horn [hɔ:n]


n. 动物角,喇叭,触角,角状物,力量源泉

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默





