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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Look!" said Jill suddenly. Someone was coming, rather timidly, to meet them; a graceful creature on four feet, all silvery-grey. And they stared at him for a whole ten seconds before five or six voices said all at once, "Why, it's old Puzzle!" They had never seen him by daylight with the lion-skin off, and it made an extraordinary difference. He was himself now: a beautiful donkey with such a soft, grey coat and such a gentle, honest face that if you had seen him you would have done just what Jill and Lucy did - rushed forward and put your arms round his neck and kissed his nose and stroked his ears.“瞧!”吉尔突然说道。有条牲口在走过来,怯生生地,来和他们相会;四条腿,风度优雅,浑身银灰色。他们瞪着眼睛看了它整整十秒钟,才有五六个声音突然说道:“呀,这是老迷惑啊!”他们从未在白昼的光线里看见过它卸掉狮子毛皮的模样儿,这可大不一样了。现在它恢复了它的本色:一头美丽的驴子,穿着柔和灰色的外套,生着温和诚实的脸。如果你看见它,你也会像吉尔和露茜一样——冲上前去,用手臂抱住它的脖子,吻它的鼻子,抚摩它的耳朵。
When they asked him where he had been he said he had come in at the door along with all the other creatures but he had - well, to tell the truth, he had been keeping out of their way as much as he could; and out of Aslan's way. For the sight of the real Lion had made him so ashamed of all that nonsense about dressing up in a lion-skin that he did not know how to look anyone in the face. But when he saw that all his friends were going away Westward, and after he had had a mouthful of grass ("And I've never tasted such good grass in my life," said Puzzle), he plucked up his courage and followed. "But what I'll do if I really have to meet Aslan, I'm sure I don't know," he added.他们问它一直在哪儿,它说它跟其他动物一同走进门来的,但它曾经——咳,说句老实话,它曾经尽可能躲开他们,躲开阿斯兰。因为,见到真正的狮王,使它对于披上狮子毛皮的荒唐把戏深感羞耻,它不知道有什么面目去跟大家见面相会。但是,当它看见它所有的朋友都朝西跑掉了,它吃了一两口青草后(“我生平从来没有吃到过这样鲜美的青草。”迷惑说道。)便鼓起勇气,跟着大家进来了。“但,如果我真的不得不遇见阿斯兰,我相信我自己是不知如何是好的。”它补充道。
"You'll find it will be all right when you really do," said Queen Lucy.“你真的见到阿斯兰时,你会发现结果挺圆满的。”露茜女王说。
Then they went forward together, always Westward, for that seemed to be the direction Aslan had meant when he cried out, "Further up and futher in." Many other creatures were slowly moving the same way, but that grassy country was very wide and there was no crowding.于是他们一起向前走去,始终是朝西走去,因为阿斯兰大喊“朝更高更深处走去”时,他的言下之意似乎就是朝着这个方向走去。许多其他动物也慢慢地在同一条道路上行走,但芳草萋萋的国土是很辽阔的,并不拥挤。
It still seemed to be early, and the morning freshness was in the air. They kept on stopping to look round and to look behind them, partly because it was so beautiful but partly also because there was something about it which they could not understand.时间似乎仍旧很早,空中有着早晨的清新之气。他们老是停下步来,向四周看看,回头望望,一部分是由于景色秀丽,一部分也是由于其中有些东西他们搞不明白。
"Peter," said Lucy, "where is this, do you suppose?"“彼得,”露茜说,“这儿是什么地方,你琢磨是什么地方?”
"I don't know," said the High King. "It reminds me of somewhere but I can't give it a name. Could it be somewhere we once stayed for a holiday when we were very, very small?"“我不知道,”至尊王说道,“它使我想起某一个地方,可我说不出地方来。可能是我们在很小很小的时候在那儿度过一天假的地方吧?”
"It would have to have been a jolly good holiday," said Eustace. "I bet there isn't a country like this anywhere in our world. Look at the colours! You couldn't get a blue like the blue on those mountains in our world."“那就必定是个挺好玩挺开心的假日,”尤斯塔斯说道,“我敢打赌,在我们的世界里,哪儿也找不到像这样的国土。仔细瞧过这些色彩吗?在我们的世界里那些崇山峻岭上,你可找不到这么一种蓝色。”
"Is it not Aslan's country?" said Tirian.“难道这不是阿斯兰的国土吗?”蒂莲问道。
"Not like Aslan's country on top of that mountain beyond the Eastern end of the world," said Jill. "I've been there."“可不像世界东端外高山顶上阿斯兰的国土,”吉尔说,“我在那儿待过。”

"Look!" said Jill suddenly. Someone was coming, rather timidly, to meet them; a graceful creature on four feet, all silvery-grey. And they stared at him for a whole ten seconds before five or six voices said all at once, "Why, it's old Puzzle!" They had never seen him by daylight with the lion-skin off, and it made an extraordinary difference. He was himself now: a beautiful donkey with such a soft, grey coat and such a gentle, honest face that if you had seen him you would have done just what Jill and Lucy did - rushed forward and put your arms round his neck and kissed his nose and stroked his ears.

When they asked him where he had been he said he had come in at the door along with all the other creatures but he had - well, to tell the truth, he had been keeping out of their way as much as he could; and out of Aslan's way. For the sight of the real Lion had made him so ashamed of all that nonsense about dressing up in a lion-skin that he did not know how to look anyone in the face. But when he saw that all his friends were going away Westward, and after he had had a mouthful of grass ("And I've never tasted such good grass in my life," said Puzzle), he plucked up his courage and followed. "But what I'll do if I really have to meet Aslan, I'm sure I don't know," he added.

"You'll find it will be all right when you really do," said Queen Lucy.

Then they went forward together, always Westward, for that seemed to be the direction Aslan had meant when he cried out, "Further up and futher in." Many other creatures were slowly moving the same way, but that grassy country was very wide and there was no crowding.

It still seemed to be early, and the morning freshness was in the air. They kept on stopping to look round and to look behind them, partly because it was so beautiful but partly also because there was something about it which they could not understand.

"Peter," said Lucy, "where is this, do you suppose?"

"I don't know," said the High King. "It reminds me of somewhere but I can't give it a name. Could it be somewhere we once stayed for a holiday when we were very, very small?"

"It would have to have been a jolly good holiday," said Eustace. "I bet there isn't a country like this anywhere in our world. Look at the colours! You couldn't get a blue like the blue on those mountains in our world."

"Is it not Aslan's country?" said Tirian.

"Not like Aslan's country on top of that mountain beyond the Eastern end of the world," said Jill. "I've been there."











重点单词   查看全部解释    
graceful ['greisfəl]


adj. 优雅的

extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri]


adj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

gentle ['dʒentl]


adj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的

timidly ['timidli]


adv. 羞怯地;胆小地

puzzle ['pʌzl]


n. 谜,难题,迷惑
vt. 使困惑,使为难<





