He found a crook-ed six-pence up-on a crook-ed stile;
He bought a crook-ed cat,which caught a crook-ed mouse,
And they all lived to-geth-er in a crook-ed lit-tle house.
There was a crook-ed man,and he went a crook-ed mile,
He found a crook-ed six-pence up-on a crook-ed stile;
He bought a crook-ed cat,which caught a crook-ed mouse,
And they all lived to-geth-er in a crook-ed lit-tle house.
There was a crook-ed man,and he went a crook-ed mile,
He found a crook-ed six-pence up-on a crook-ed stile;
He bought a crook-ed cat,which caught a crook-ed mouse,
And they all lived to-geth-er in a crook-ed lit-tle house
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