欢迎来到易说堂英语语音学习!我们要学习到的是/ə/ 和 /ə:/这两个音。对绝大多数的我国学生来说一般没有大的障碍。然而,若想将这两个音发好,发得地道,仍需要进行仔细的模仿和练习。仅以不定冠词a为例。在英美人的实际发音过程中,有时会将其强化,变成近似于/ei/的音,但有的时候,它的读音被弱化。弱化的不卷舌音/ə /是英语元音中最短最弱的音,当它在某辅音后边时,只要那辅音的发音有了“声”,也就是说声带振动了,这个/ ə /的音就有了。关于中元音/ə :/ 的发音,舌身平放,舌中部稍稍抬起。一定要注意两个方面:一是要保持口形的扁平(呈微笑状),二是保持口形不变的基础上保持“音流”足够长度。这个音在美音中,会在后面一个卷舌动作,但舌尖上卷时不可接触口腔任何的部位,以免发生摩擦,因为有了摩擦,便成了辅音。大家还是跟外教读这两个音在单词,短语句子中的读音,练习更好地发这两个音。
Please read groups of words to practice the /ə/ and /ə:/ sounds
1. ago girl
2. banana burn
3. attention certain
4. company confirm
5. machine merge
6. relative rehearsal
7. facility fertile
8. about urgent
Please read some phrases to practice the sounds.
1. a research center
2. feeling a bit hurt
3. purchase facilities
4. on the surface of the matter
5. confirm the information
6. perfect performance
7. searching for an answer
8. some personal affairs
Please read some sentences to practice the sounds.
1. We need to confirm the information.
2. The doctor is certain about his success.
3. He was the first to complete the task.
4. Sandra is busy writing her term paper.
5. We'll take measures to improve our service.
6. This is an urgent task for all companies.
7. We need to purchase some new facilities.
8. Today's world is a world of information.