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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


1. What was the man doing yesterday afternoon?
A. He was drawing B. He was swimming C. He was flying a kite
2. How did the man get to know the answer?
A. Tom told him the answer
B. The teacher told him the answer
C. He knew the answer by himself
3. Who did the man get a present from?
A. The woman B. Jack C. John
4. What time is it ?
A. 7:15 B. 8:15 C. 8:00
5. What does the woman want Tom to do?
A. To close the door. B. To open the door. C. To hold the bags.
6.What’s the relationship between the two speakers ?
A. Probably they are parent and child.
B. Probably they are teacher and student.
C. Probably they are doctor and patient.
7. Where do they decide to go?
A. They decide to go to the shop
B. They decide to go out to buy some chocolate.
C. They decide to go to the park.
8. What can you learn from the conversation?
A. They like moving to a new place.
B. They have just moved to a new place.
C. There is no supermarket nearby.
9. How far is the nearest supermarket?
A. It is not far away
B. It is very far from where they live.
C. We don’t know.
10. How is the man ?
A. He is seriously ill.
B. There is nothing serious with him.
C. He doesn’t want to eat anything.
11. What’s the man going to do about his sleep problem?
A. He is going to see a doctor.
B. He is going to do nothing about it.
C. He is going to take some physical trainings.
12. Why isn’t the woman going with him to the gym every Wednesday?
A. Because she doesn’t think it a good idea to start taking exercise.
B. Because shi is going to learn painting on Wednesday evening.
C. Because she has to travel around Europe on Wednesday evening.

关键字: 高一 期中 英语




