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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

点此下载: 安徽涡阳新华中学2012-2013学年七年级英语

( )21. ---Is this key? ---No, that one is key.
A. my , her B. your ,my C. her, his D. your ,his
( )22. -- is my notebook?--It's 12 yuan.
A. Where B. What C. What color D. How much
( )23. I don't like this hat . It's too ____ . I need a big one .
A. small B. long C. short D. big
( )24. Anna a red skirt, but she doesn't a black one.
A. have; have B. has; have C. have; has D. has; has
( )25.--What's your favorite --Pears.
A. color B. fruit C. day D. vegetable
( )26. Miss Li is English teacher.
A. Tom and Tina B. Tom and Tina's
C. Tom's and Tina's D. Tom's and Tina
( )27.---Can you help me my math homework, Miss Zhang?
---OK. Come to my house Sunday morning.
A. with; in B. do; at C. to do; on D. to do; in
( )28. Our English teacher is Jenny Jones. We all call her
A. Mr. Jones B. Miss Jones C. Mrs. Jenny D. Mr. Jenny
( )29.My father doesn't play sports. He only ________ on TV.
A. watches it B. watch them C. watch it D. watches them
( )30. I am years old today. And my parents have a party for my birthday .
A. twelfth; twelve B. twelfth; twelve
C. twelve; twelfth D. twelve; twelve
( )31.- ,is Jim American ?- , I don't know.
A. Excuse me ,Excuse me B. Excuse me ,Sorry
C. Sorry ,Sorry D. Sorry, Excuse me
( )32. ---Do they have lots of ?---Yes, they do.
A. banana B. hamburger C. chicken D. pear
( )33. Thanks the photo your family.
A. of; about B. for; about C. of; for D. for; of
( )34.We can meet on .
A. January 13th,2012 B.2012 January 13th C.13th January 2012 D.2012 13th January
( )35.I want a pen $4.;for buy;for ;in buy;in
( )36.They have T-shirts green and black.   B.for D.of
( )37.-Where your pants. - on the bed.;It's B.are;They are;They are D.are;It's
( )38.Can I ________ your new shirt, please?
A.look B.have a book C.have a look at
( )39.-Can I see your photo? -Yes.__________.
A.Thank you B.Give you C.Here you are D.You are here
点此下载: 安徽涡阳新华中学2012-2013学年七年级英语




