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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


1. He is in ____ control of the company. I mean, the company is in ____ control of him.
A. the; / B. /; the C. the; the D. /; /
2. He managed to finish the work in time ________ his lack of experience.
A. in spite B. although C. though D. despite
3. Adam and Max hardly knew what to talk about: they had so little ________.
A. in public B. in return C. in common D. in reality
4. The reason ____ he missed school this morning was ____ he had to look after his sick mother.
A. why; that B. because; why C. that; because D. which; that
5. Had Tom studied harder, he ________ the exam.
A. must have got through B. would have got through
C. would get through D. could get through
6. It was really a _____ experience. Afterwards, everybody was very _______.
A. terrifying; shocking B. terrified; shocking
C. terrifying; shocked D. terrified; shocked
7. She ought to stop working; she has a headache because she ______ too long.
A. has been reading B. had read C. is reading D. read
8. After class I took my classmate’s schoolbag by mistake, for it ________ mine.
A. is the same B. is similar to
C. has connection with D. is resembled to
9. Have you ever crossed the road to avoid________ someone you recognize?
A. talking to B. to talk C. to talk to D. talking
10.---Will you go skiing with me this winter vocation?
--- ________.
A. It all depend B. It depends
C. It is all depended D. It is all depending
11. If you make every effort, your dream will ____, and this ____ all the people.
A. be come true; is true to B. come true; is true of
C. realize; is true for D. be realized; is true to
12. There was plenty of time. He _________.
A. mustn’t have hurried B. couldn’t have hurried
C. must not hurry D. needn’t have hurried
13. ________, there are 200 visitors to the exhibition every day.
A. In average B. At average C. On average D. For average
14. He hurried to the station only ____ that the train had left.
A. to have found B. finding C. found D. to find
15. The white church ________ the Yuan Dynasty.
A. dates back B. dates back to C. dates from D. B or C
第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)

Last summer, I traveled to Meixian County with my friends. It is a small county at the foot of Taibai Mount in Shanxi Province. We stayed there for one week and I 16 my vacation because of the beautiful scenery at the top of the mountain.
I will 17 forget the day when we climbed the main peak. The 18 in that area changes very quickly: it was sunny in the early morning when we set out, 19 it began to rain heavily when we were only halfway up.
Soon, we were all 20 and some of us wanted to go home. They said, “There is nothing 21 here. We came to see the scenery, 22 the pouring rain!” However, the guide 23_ , “Since we have got wet already, why not just go on with our journey?”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
vocation [vəu'keiʃən]


n. 职业,行业,职务

recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激

spite [spait]


n. 恶意,怨恨
vt. 刁难,伤害

scenery ['si:nəri]


n. 布景,风景,背景

exhibition [.eksi'biʃən]


n. 展示,展览

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制


关键字: 高二 期末 英语




