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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


1. What is the boy doing?
A. B. C.
2. How will the woman travel?
A. B. C.
3. Which picture shows the right way to the Great Wall Hotel?
A. B. C.

4. What is the weather like today?
A. B. C.

5. What would the man like to have first?
A. B. C.
第二节: 听小对话, 回答问题。
6. When does the dialogue happen?
A. 1:55 B. 5:02 C. 2:05
7. What is the man doing ?
A. Buying shoes. B. Selling shoes. C. Making shoes.
8. Where does the man want to go ?
A. To the bus stop. B. To Yanan Road. C. To the airport.
9. How long does it take to go to Suzhou by train ?
A. 45 minutes. B. Over 3 hours. C. Over 10 hours.
10. Where is the man from ?
A. UK. B. USA. C. Canada.
( )11. The sign  tells us __________.

( )12. —Why are you laughing?
—Oh, I’m reading interesting story.
A. a B. an C. the D. 不填
( )13. —Is this your school ID card?
—No, it’s not . My ID card is in the bag.
A. your B. yours C. mine D. my
( ) 14. —I'm free tomorrow. I’m going to play basketball. Will you go with me?
—I’d love to, I have to finish my report first.
A. or B. so C. but D. and
( )15 ______! What can you ______ in the next room?

A. Listen, hear B. Hear, listen C. Listen, listen D. hear, hear

( )16 .Which is bigger, the sun ______ the moon? A. and B. or C. to D. but

( )17.Everyone in our class ____ going to the farm next month. A. is B. are C. be D. am

( )18. Are you going _____ a picnic _____ Saturday afternoon?

A. in; in B. on; in C. on; on D. in; on

( )19. His mother walks fast, but _____ her shoes.

A. takes off B. puts on C. trips over     D. trips at

( )20. Smoking ______your health.

A. is good for B. is bad for C. is good to D. is bad to

( )2l. Welcome back _______ school. A. to B. at C. with  D. in

( )22. Mr Li wants me_ ______some water for him. A. get B. to get C. getting D. gets

( )23. Here are some flowers _______you _______our best_______.

A. for, to, wishes B. for, with, wishes C. to, for, wish   D. of, to, wish

( )24. -I’m sorry, I can’t do it. -_______.

A. Not at all B.OK C. It doesn’t matter D. You’re welcome

( )25. It’s eight o’clock now. The students _______their lessons.

A. is having  B. are have C. are having  D. have

( )26. We can’t call John Henry Brown_______.

A. John  B. Mr John C. John Brown D. Mr Brown

( )27. I think this is different_______ English names.

A. in B. to C. with D. from

( )28. -_______? -She is a teacher.

A. What is your mother B. How is your mother

C. What is your mother like D. How old is your mother

( )29. This is _____ field trip.

A. our first   B. the first our C. our the first D. the our first

( )30. The students of Class Two are going to _____ on the top of the hill.

A. hike B. picnic C. swim    D. skate

( )31. -_____ are you going to meet?

-At the gate of park.

A. Who B. When C. Where D. What

( )32. Why _____ some pears for dinner?

A. don’t you to buy B. not you buy C. don’t buy   D. not buy

( )33. My bag is ______ than that one.

A. heavy B. heavier C. biger D. heaviest

( )34. She has ______ to tell us.

A. new something B. something new C. some new D. new some

( )35. I’d like you ______ my friend.

A. to meet B. meet C. meets D. meeting

( )36. December is the ______ month of the year.

A. twelve B. twelveth C. twenty D. twelfth

( )37. Jack is taller than ______ boy in his class.

A. other B. another C. any other D. others

( )38. We like pies ______ meat in them.

A. with B. have C. there are D. has

( )39. Show ____ your photos when we get back to school.
A. I B. me C. my D. mine

关键字: 初二 期中 英语 试题




