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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


6. A. He isn’t strong enough to carry the heavy box .
B. He is too strong to carry the heavy box .
C. He is strong enough to carry the heavy box .
7. A. I must stop him from talking .
B. I must have a talk with him .
C. Sorry I have to stop talking .
8. A. I couldn’t ride a bike .
B. I taught myself how to ride a bike .
C. Someone taught me to ride a bike .
9. A. Tim didn’t go to bed until eleven .
B. Tim didn’t get up before eleven .
C. Tim fell asleep at eleven .
10. A. He finished the work at he end of last month .
B. He worked very hard .
C. The work was difficult and it was over at last .
11. A. Bruce would like to be a doctor .
B. Bruce wants his father to be a doctor .
C. Bruce wants the teacher to teach his father .
12. A. Mary has a problem in finishing the work in five hours .
B. The work is difficult . Mary can’t finish it .
C. Mary can finish the work in five hours if she works hard .
13. A. If you don’t hurry up , you’ll miss the train .
B. If you don’t hurry up , you won’t catch the bus .
C. If you hurry up , you won’t catch the train .

C. Choose one that can answer the question you hear .
14. A. I’ll have one more . B. No , I don’t want any more .
C. No , thanks . I’ve had enough .
15. A. He’s very well . B. He went to Jiangsu . C. He’s from the U.S .
16. A. I think it’s a birthday present for you . B. You really have a new dress .
C. It looks very nice on you .
17. A. That’s all right . B. That’s a good idea . C. Go down this street and turn left .
18. A. Yes , I agree . B. I don’t understand . C. I’d love to .
19. A. Sure , I’ll try . B. OK ,that’s a good idea . C. Certainly . I’m sorry about it .
20. A. Father will go with me . B. Next month . C. By car .

D. Listen to the dialogues and choose the right answer .
21. A. animals B. a film C. a picture
22. A. Mary . B. Lucy . C. Lily .
23. A. Tea . B. Milk . C. Water .
24. A. He’s going to the zoo . B. He’s going to the fire station .
C. He’s going to the railway station .
25. A. Liz and Mary B. Mr. Smith C. Tom and Liz

II. Choose the best answer(20’)
26. —Must I finish the work at once ? —No, you . You do it at home .
A. mustn’t ; may B. needn’t ; may C. mustn’t ; must D. may not ; may
27. The boy looked and he was asleep .
A. asleep ; too B. sleepy ; sound C. sleepy ; fast D. sleeping ; very
28. Mr. John isn’t here , we ask Mr. Smith .
A. have to ; instead of B. will have to ; instead of
C. had to ; instead D. will have to ; instead
29. Professor White has to do .
A. much too work B. too much works C. too many jobs D. too many works
30. Now I feel more tired this morning than I usually .
A. very ; do B. even ; did C. even ; do D. much ; does
31. I’m hungry , Mum . will the lunch be ready ?
A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How much
32. The DVD is too dear , we can’t buy it .
A. for ; afford B. so ; afford C. but ; afford to D. so ; afford to
33. Will you please us a walk ?
A. to join ; for B. join ; on C. to join ; at D. join ; in
34. A car may hit you if you careful .
A. don’t be B. be not C. aren’t D. won’t be
35. Henry be at home because he phoned me from the farm just now .
A. mustn’t B. isn’t able to C. may not D. can’t

重点单词   查看全部解释    
lily ['lili]


adj. 纯白的 n. 百合花

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<





