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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


一. Choose the best answer.
1. “ Would you please wait for the next bus? This one is _____.”said the bus driver.
A. full B. empty C. tidy D. quiet
2. —Would you like some more rice?
—Yes, just ______.
A. a few B. few C. a little D. little
3. Why ______ to the Science Museum?
A. not to go B. not go C. don’t go D. not you go
4. Let’s give him_____ to eat.
A. something different B. different anything
C. anything different D. different something
5. Mrs Liu teaches _____ English. We like _____ class very much.
A. me, his B. me, her C. us, his D. us , her
6. Could you tell me ______?
A. where does he live B. where lives he
C. he lives where D. where he lives
7. Please ____ something about the picture.
A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk
8. It _____ him half an hour to drive home every day.
A. costs B. spends C. takes D. uses
9. The new student is in _____.
A. Class Third B. Third Class C. Class Three D. Three Class
10. _____ of us has an English dictionary.
A. Some B. Each C. All D. Both
11. Beijing has ____ many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours.
A. so B. very C. too D. much
12. There is going to _____ a report _____ Chinese history in our school this evening.
A. have , on B. be , on C. have , for D. be, of
13. Chongqing is bigger than _____ in Sichuan.
A. any other cities B. any city C. the other city D. the other cities
14. Robert often asks us ____ his Chinese, so his Chinese is better than before.
A. help him B. to help him with C. to help with D. helps him with
15. It’s a little room____ a ____ window.
A. with, bright big B. with , big bright C. of, bright big D. of, big bright
16. The workers have some_____ the machine.
A. problem mending B. problems mending
C. problem to mend D. problems to mend
17. I _____think he____ come this week.
A. am not, can’t B. don’t , is going to C. /, can’t D. don’t , can’t
18. John thinks it’s _____ to talk with you.
A. very fun B. great fun C. so fun D. a great fun
19. My parents often _____ me _____ the housework.
A. let, do B. asks , doing C. make , to do D. gets , to do
20. A woman _____ Zhang Jing puts her family name Zhang first.
A. calls B. called C. call D. calling
21. _____me, working is _____ than all the other things.
A. For, the most important B. To, important
C. For, much important D. To, more important
22. The big truck can carry _____ more apples than the small one.
A. much B. very C. quite D. many
23. It’s ______ thing for me ______ in the country.
A. a exciting , to live B. the most excited, living
C. an exciting , to live D. a very exciting, live
24. The poor boy trips ____ a stone and _____ cry.
A. at, starts B. over, start C. on, starts to D. over, starts to
25. Miss Gao, with Mary _____ going into the classroom.
A. are B. is C. will D. were
26. —How is the old man?
A. He is fifty. B. He is a doctor. C. He is much better. D. He is David.
27. The pears here are cheap and the _____ there are dear.
A. pear B. one C. ones D. the pears
28. —By the way, where are you going?
A. I’m going nowhere. B. I’ve no idea.
C. To Uncle Wang’s D. Going swimming
29. How about _____ boating _____ the river?
A. go, on B. going , on C. to go, in D. going , in
30. Tom is ____ better than him at______.
A. more , swim B. much , swimming
C. many, swimming D. most, to swim
31. —What’s he doing? _____ he _____ the window?
—No, he is closing the window.
A. Is, opening B. Does, open C. Can , open D. Is, opens
32. This cake is very delicious. May I have ____ one?
A. other B. the other C. another D. others
33. My job is to feed pigs, but I think it’s ____ than others.
A. an interesting work B. a very interesting work
C. a much more interesting work D. a more interesting job
34. Betty’s mother is ill. She ____ stay at home and look after her.
A. have to B. could C. must D. has to
35. September comes______ October.
A. after B. before C. beside D. behind
36. Listen! I hear someone _____ outside.
A. to laugh B. laugh C. laughing D. to laughing
37. My mother _____ a new shirt for me tomorrow.
A. buys B. is buying C. is buy D. is going to buy




