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高考英语听力每日一练 第150期

来源:可可英语 编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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M: Dr. Brook, I just don't know what's wrong me. I always feel tired and weak. My wife finally persuaded me to visit you to find out what the trouble is.
W: From what is written here I can see that you had a very bad cold three years ago and that you also had a small operation last year. Did you have any bad effect after that?
M: Well, I don't remember.
W: For example, how long did you stay at home each time you were ill?
M: Just a couple of days, but about six months ago I was home for about two weeks with a cold or something.
W: Did you see a doctor at that time, or did you just stay at home?
M: No, I didn't see a doctor. When I began to feel better, I returned to work.
W: And when did you start feeling so tired again?
M: It must have been about ten days ago. When I came home from work one night, there just didn't seem to be any reason to go back the next day.
W: Well, it sounds as if your problem may be the kind of work you do. The tests I just made don't show anything really wrong. But I would like to make some further tests in the hospital.
M: That's fine with me.
W: All right, you can check in tonight and I'll make the tests tomorrow morning.

(1) 正确答案为B。根据I always feel tired and weak.我总是觉得累,虚弱。可知,男子看医生的原因是因为他觉得很累,因此B项正确。
(2) 正确答案为A。根据When I began to feel better, I returned to work.我觉得好些了就回去工作了。可知,男子上次病了以后,是感觉好些以后回去工作的,因此A项正确。
(3) 正确答案为B。根据your problem may be the kind of work you do.你的问题可能是因为你的工作。可知,医生认为男子的问题是他的工作,因此B项正确。
(4) 正确答案为C。根据you can check in tonight and I'll make the tests tomorrow morning.今晚你可以入院,明天上午我会做些检查。可知,医生明天将给男子做进一步检查。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
brook [bruk]


n. 小河,溪
vt. (常用于否定句或疑问句

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案


文章关键字: 高考 英语听力 每日一练





