《查拉图斯特拉如是说》Thus Spake Zarathustra
Grace M. Moreover, the existential views of Friedrich Nietzche, through radically different from that of Emerson, also stresses the role of individual thinking. In his work, Thus Spake Zarathustra Nietzche warns that the tradition of western society has mechanized human living. Only selected men can overcome social mores and discover peace in life, These "Ubermanches" of supermen, can accept the meaninglessness of life and find ultimate satisfaction by acting according to their own instincts. Therefore, men who do not follow tradition, who rely on themselves for original ideas, will not be absorbed into the absurdities of modern life. According to Nietzche, the ideal life in this meaningless world involves a rejection of tradition. And like Emerson, the racial ideas of Nietzche spawned the existential movement, which gave a generation of post-WW2 intellects some solace and explanation for the brutal reality. Men with new ideas can have more power to sway minds than the toughest acts of coercion.
点评:看完这一段,所有你能做的就是坐下来好好欣赏,你会被 Grace 的智慧、文风和在这段文字中展现出来的历史的广度和哲思的深度所折服。很难想象她在写这一段的时候还只是名高中低年级的学生。现在,她可能在邻近巴黎大学的一家咖啡馆一遍品着咖啡,一边读着雅克·拉康(Jacques Lacan)作品集或者是在分析德里达(Derrida)的作品。